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Which is the preferred romanji: Myoan or Meian? (some third variation?)
And what makes that particular spelling the preferred version?
Both Meian and Myôan are correct. Basically personal preference makes one or the other the preferred version. In the Kansai (Kyoto/Osaka) area in the 1970s, one heard/saw Meian the most. Now, one hears/sees Myôan as often. The first character of the word can be read either way.
According to my Japanese-English Kanji dictionary, there are over 15 different pronunciations for the character 明 depending on the context: mei, myô, min, a, aka, aki, akira, ake, asu, kira, ke, saya, sayaka, toshi, haru, mi, me.
However one pronounces it, the character still means light or bright, or something to do with light. The character is itself a combination of two characters 日 'sun' and 月 'moon'.
Hi Bruce, I was speaking with Saori San at Mejiro once and we were talking about Myoan music or maybe a concert. Then she said something like, "They also spell it Meian don't they?"
Thanks for clearing that up Riley, - Perry