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I didn't know whether to put this here or on the Health forum, as my contribution is for medicinal purposes only. Talking about barbeque made me think of this drink which could slake a mighty thirst.
Two large bottles of dry red wine (Mondavi Cabernet has served well)
Two cups Cointreau
Three Cups Brandy
Two Navel Oranges sliced thinly
Three Lemons Sliced thinly
One Bag frozen cherries (pitted)
One Bag frozen peaches
Mix and chill covered in a HUGE decanter two to four hours ahead of happy hour. Its been known to cure scurvy and act as a scurvic preventative.
I forgot, juice of four to five limes. I had persians.
I've seen black tea included in sangria recipes as well. Also diced apples and club soda.
Hmmm... The first annual shakuhachi/bbq gathering? On video cam live for those who can't make it? Crazier things have happened!
I'm not allowed to mix drinks anymore. What are some good mixes for Bombay Sapphire? The best I've come up with is cranberry juice and sprite.
Some drinks I've made in the past include:
Head of Guinness
649 (Random shot from bar comprised of three different drinks)
Reese's Pieces
Human Saliva (optional; to taste)
THE (?)
Maple Syrup
Garnish with broccolli & diced garlic
There's another one that includes Strongbow Cider and a moist towelette from half-priced chicken wing night and fireplace soot but it goes downhill from there. Or Hill's Absinthe with a green lucky charm instead of a sugar cube...
The worst drink i've ever had would be my makeshift attempt to make a martini with gin (being the only alcohol available. It ended up being Gin and pickle brine. It's more awful than all of the above.
Vevolis wrote:
I'm not allowed to mix drinks anymore. What are some good mixes for Bombay Sapphire? The best I've come up with is cranberry juice and sprite.
Some drinks I've made in the past include:
Head of Guinness
649 (Random shot from bar comprised of three different drinks)
Reese's Pieces
Human Saliva (optional; to taste)
THE (?)
Maple Syrup
Garnish with broccolli & diced garlic
There's another one that includes Strongbow Cider and a moist towelette from half-priced chicken wing night and fireplace soot but it goes downhill from there. Or Hill's Absinthe with a green lucky charm instead of a sugar cube...
The worst drink i've ever had would be my makeshift attempt to make a martini with gin (being the only alcohol available. It ended up being Gin and pickle brine. It's more awful than all of the above.
You should be kept far, far away from Bombay Sapphire at all times, upon penalty of death...possibly even dismemberment.
Vevolis wrote:
I'm not allowed to mix drinks anymore. What are some good mixes for Bombay Sapphire? The best I've come up with is cranberry juice and sprite.
Bombay gin martini - Keep it simple!
Generous amount of Bombay Sapphire gin or regular Bombay if you prefer less botanical flavor.
Pour gin in a shaker full of ice. Let it sit.
Take martini glass from freezer and pour in 1/2 oz. of dry vermouth. Swirl in glass. Discard vermouth.
Rub lemon slice around lip of glass.
Shake gin vigorously. Strain into glass.
Twist lemon peel over gin and drop it in.
Mujitsu wrote:
Hmmm... The first annual shakuhachi/bbq gathering? On video cam live for those who can't make it? Crazier things have happened!
Ken, If you had one, I would buy a ticket and fly down for it! Hopefully others would be able to make it as well. I would love to meet as many in this community as I could.
I've seen black tea included in sangria recipes as well. Also diced apples and club soda.
Yes, we had that recipe over ice, but it would be good with some kind of sparkling water or soda as well.
In a Pint Glass full of ice
White wine (Chardone)
A few frozen Rasberries
1 shot of cointreau
Top with ginger ale and a slice of lime.
This isn't a drink. It is more like an evening.
Bottle of beer
Last half of a bottle of bourbon
Open beer
Pour a shot of bourbon
drink it
Have A swig of beer
Continue until bottle of beer is done.
Pint glass full of ice
Bottle of red
Bottle of mineral water
Fill three quaters with Pinot Noir (I studied French so I really do know how to spell these things. Believe it or not)
Finish with mineral water, I like Apolonaris.
I love gin drinks and usually use No.209 gin.
Plymouth's works well and McMennamin's Vintner's Reserve if I am in Oregon, it is a Dutch style gin.
This is called the Bijou:
1 1/2 oz. gin
1/2 oz Chartreuse
1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth (I prefer Cinzano)
Put in shaker with ice and a couple dashes of orange bitters.
Shake like crazy.
Pour in Martini style glass and squeeze a lemon peel slice over the drink but do not put it in the glass.
Garnish with a Maraschino cherry (better if you make your own).
To make your own cherries marinate dried cherries with Maraschino Liqueur for a couple weeks. Dried sour cherries work well but I use dried Rainier cherries.
Home brew beer made with 1/2 a chili per bottle and extra hops
Damn! This is gettin' good!
kmag wrote:
I love gin drinks and usually use No.209 gin.
What is 209 gin?
Here in Tasmania we have Lark's Pepperberry Gin, which is made with the endemic Tasmanian pepperberry. That's interesting.
Tairaku wrote:
Here in Tasmania we have Lark's Pepperberry Gin, which is made with the endemic Tasmanian pepperberry. That's interesting.
Looks yummy...but gin always does have the coolest bottles:
Tairaku wrote:
kmag wrote:
I love gin drinks and usually use No.209 gin.
What is 209 gin?
Here in Tasmania we have Lark's Pepperberry Gin, which is made with the endemic Tasmanian pepperberry. That's interesting.
There is a Gin 209 distillery here at Pier 50 in San Francisco. Still haven't been to it! I did have a Gin 209 martini at a restaurant and have been meaning to pick up a bottle. Nice stuff! Citrus, cinnamon, cardamom and of course juniper!
It's a small batch gin but has good distribution.
(Just noticed your post Ed!!)
I never drink gin before memorial day or after labor day (or before 10am). I am all blue blood like that.
Here's another that I had in college once. Tastes just like bubble gum. Like I said, I've only had it once long ago so beware.
One bottle southern comfort (a 5th)
One tube of frozen orange juice concentrate
One can of Coke
You just mix it all together in a big container with the appropriate amount of water. It is really sweet so it was good for getting college girls drunk.
Home brew beer made with 1/2 a chili per bottle and extra hops
I have had the Sierra Nevada version of this and did not like it much, but I wonder if my wife would like it. She puts hot sauce on everything. I got some vanilla beans at a farmers' market once and but two or three of them into a half gallon of Bourbon. I had to exercise emense patience and not consume the bottle for three or four days, but it was good when I finally did drain it. I was surprised really because I don't like sweet tasting bourbons like Makers or Knob or that other Foo Foo crap that yuppies buy. I like the spicy woody bourbon like Wild Turkey, Old Grandad, and the like. As a rule these are the bourbons that are still made using old recipes developped before everyone was bought by huge beverage conglomerates that changed recipes to be more cost effective and efficient. I found that the vanilla complimented the woody taste nicely.
lowonthetotem wrote:
One bottle southern comfort (a 5th)
One tube of frozen orange juice concentrate
One can of Coke
Unconscionable waste of orange juice.
up to two tablespoons nutmeg in milk
lowonthetotem wrote:
up to two tablespoons nutmeg in milk
Word was, back in the day, you could see God if you ate enough nutmeg.
I had an old girl friend that tried to see god by way of nutmeg and all she got was really sick, she might have seen some things but I don't think it was the sort of things she was hoping for. I think she ate two table spoons.
Last edited by jeff jones (2009-05-20 18:29:45)
I have heard that the problem with nutmeg is that the effective dose is quite large and close to the lethal dose.
I would not advocate trying to see god or God through the use of anything chemical. I've found that two tablespoons in milk offers a pleasant sensation without nausea or other less desirable side effects. I suppose I neglected to mention that one of these is enough. I think most people's difficulty with nutmeg is that they are looking for some kind of hallucenation experience or the like, and they go to it expecting a similar experience to what they have on elicit drugs like pot, opioids, or the like. In many cases people get sick because the effect does not occur fast enough for them or is not intense enough for them, so they do more and more. I enjoy two tablespoons occasionally without issue, but I am not seeking God. Maybe that is the difference.
I have heard that the problem with nutmeg is that the effective dose is quite large and close to the lethal dose.
This is not true at all. By assuming an "effective dose," people are obviously looking for some experience in particular like euphoria or halucinations. I think this is the mistake. It can take several hours for nutmeg to be fully digested. I think many folks continue to consume more and more during those hours thinking that they have not ingested the "effective dose" and have experiences that are less than enjoyable. As with most things, nutmeg can offer relaxation and a pleasant mood change in small doses and has been used in culturally traditional medicines for centuries. If you are interested in a vision quest, hit the sweat lodge.
In hind sight, maybe this drink recipe was not the best to post here. I don't want to advocate drug use or any of the bs ideas that it can lead to an expanded mind, a clearer vision of reality, or any other spiritual mumbo jumbo. Perhaps we should just strike that last recipe from the forum before it leads to more misunderstanding and encourages someone to do something stupid. My sincere apologies. I should have had more complete sight before making that post.
she might have seen some things but I don't think it was the sort of things she was hoping for. I think she ate two table spoons
Again, the preconceived notions tend to be the deciding factor. And, the "hangover" from nutmeg has been described as "God taking a dump on your soul." I have not experienced that, but then I enjoy drinking boilermakers and often wake up to go running the next day.
There are also many issues with drug interactions as well as the primary active chemical in nutmeg is an MAOI. It should never be combined with other drugs, legal or otherwise.
Last edited by lowonthetotem (2009-05-21 09:09:37)