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Hey all,
I am normally just read the board but I have some links that I hadn't seen posted yet or at least didn't come up when I tried to search the board for them.
The songs are all from but I have never found the page that links to them. I knew one existed but had to do a creative google search to find the others. I hope you enjoy.
Removed links... Read on below.
Last edited by Matt Lyon (2009-07-02 15:34:04)
Matt Lyon wrote:
Hey all,
I am normally just read the board but I have some links that I hadn't seen posted yet or at least didn't come up when I tried to search the board for them.
The songs are all from but I have never found the page that links to them. I knew one existed but had to do a creative google search to find the others. I hope you enjoy.
These are dandy, and fairly well known hereabouts. They were put together by the estimable player and teacher Alcvin Ramos, of Vancouver.
That's what you get for registering right before putting in your first post
Last edited by edosan (2009-06-30 21:54:47)
Hi guys
Hate to spoil the party, but these are illegal to share freely. The calligraphy is that of Furuya Teruo and is copywrited by Chikushinkai, Yokoyama's school. They (the original scores) are for sale through Chikushinkai, Mejiro, and perhaps Monty's site? So distributing them (or their parts) via the internet is illegal just as is ripping the music from CDs and sharing that. I know it's common to share CDs and copy scores. But, it's a small world, and people do have to make a living. These teachers give us a lot, so a little money for scores is going to a good place.
Here are a couple of places you can buy them:
Al, if you did get permission since we last spoke, my sincere apologies. Otherwise, hopefully you can pass on the word that it's not OK to share these scores either for free or for money. Neither is it even OK to copy them in your own hand. As for transcribing them yourself from the CDs and distributing them, that might be OK, but still best to ask.
Last edited by Justin (2009-07-01 00:03:20)
Before you start raving and bashing and becoming Mr. Copyright Police Constable on the forum, why not take the time to take this matter up
with Alcvin and see what sort of agreement he has worked out with Furuya sensei. Since you are always a copious giver of information, taking a bit in a priori might stand you in good stead.
Last edited by edosan (2009-07-01 09:17:43)
Hi Edosan
I did already. There was no permission. I discussed this with Al in February and passed on the message that this was not OK, from Furuya. Seems Al misunderstood something somewhere along the line. I'm sure nobody minds, we all make innocent mistakes. But since these are still available I felt I had to speak up, and seeing as they are available publicly, I saw no choice but to speak up publicly this time. Also since they have been distributed for years, (I think originally for a fee wasn't it?) now a number of people must have them so it should be good for them to know that they also shouldn't be passing them around. Though it may feel uncomfortable to be written in public, let's not anyone worry but at least you all know now so you don't unwittingly break any rules! Hey, it's not that much of a big deal, and no-one's really upset so long as things are put right.
I know me speaking up about this is only likely to make me more unpopular But still I hope you understand I am obliged to do so as a student of Furuya's. Al is great and does a lot of good for shakuhachi.
I don't doubt his motives. Just, people should know it's not OK to distribute this stuff. That's part of the livelihood of the teachers who worked to create it. I think it's fair to respect that.
Again as I said, Al if you did get permission since I spoke to you, my sincere apologies.
Maybe it's time for one of our volunteers to create computer versions of these songs so we won't have so much Dokyoku Polizei activity.
Geez I thought you guys were a highly organized cult and could take care of yourselves in house without having to involve innocent spectators from other ryu
Hi All,
I'm sorry for not being more present on the Forum. But this seems to be a pressing issue so I have to explain. I want to thank Justin for being conscientious about keeping his eye out on what's happening in the shakuhachi world. In regards to posting Kenshukan/Chikushinkai notation on my site, I spoke with Furuya Teruo sensei about 5 years ago and he told me that I was free to do whatever I wanted with the notations. So I made a few introductory honkyoku instruction pdfs to put on my site (of course crediting Furuya-sensei's calligraphy) for people to learn from. I DO NOT sell the Kenshukan Honkyoku notations outright. I ALWAYS refer people to buy the entire honkyoku notation collections from Mejiro in Tokyo. But apparently, as Justin has spoken directly with Furuya sensei, he told me that Furuya sensei actually didn't allow that kind of use of his notation. I will be speaking with Furuya Sensei soon to clear things up with him.
Justin contacted me about this in February and I did delete those pages from my website, but forgot to delete it from my ftp site, so it was still accessible on the net. I have now taken those notations off my ftp site, so they are now all permanently deleted. I am now writing my own notations now. I have posted Honshirabe in my own hand-written calligraphy and will post a sound file for study soon.
Sorry for any trouble I may have caused.
I think I see the reflection of someone slumped to the ground with a score of Makiri in his hand in the binoculars! Ed, can you hear me? Oh shit!
I thought Alcvin's scores-with-instruction were great, I am sorry to see them go!
I hope Furuya-sensei gives his blessing in the future. As introductions to some basic techniques, these are different in purpose from the original scores, and especially since there are only a few of them I don't think they're competitive. They might inspire somebody to buy the whole Furuya set and to study further with a teacher.
Shouldn't it be Dokyoku "Kempeitai"?
nyokai wrote:
I thought Alcvin's scores-with-instruction were great, I am sorry to see them go!
I hope Furuya-sensei gives his blessing in the future. As introductions to some basic techniques, these are different in purpose from the original scores, and especially since there are only a few of them I don't think they're competitive. They might inspire somebody to buy the whole Furuya set and to study further with a teacher.
These instructions are VERY basic. It's meant as an introduction. Every teacher (even within the same school or style) plays it a bit differently. Anyways, I encourage people to buy Furuya's notation simply because they're beautiful works of art. But I won't be using it anymore. It's a good motivation to practice my calligraphy! (I realized that kanji of "shakuhachi" on my website is Furuya's kanji too! Damn, I better get that off my site too or the Kenshukan Keisatsu will come and arrest me and throw me into the Dokyoku dungeon where I will be tortured by the constant sounds of meris being too sharp! and karis being too flat!;-)
How I am going to create my own shakuhachi school called The Knob-U-ryu™
First I'll take a bunch of traditional Japanese musical pieces --any will do-- and fuck-them-up-beyond-all-recognition.
Then I'll rip some pages out of a Russian phone book, turn them upside down so the script is totally indecipherable (think: Chikuho) and copyright them as the Official Knob-U-ryu™ Shakuhachi Scores.
Then I'll adopt the title El Grande Shakuhachi Dai-Hentai* and hang my shingle out.
Then I'll just sit back and listen to the cash registers ring their clerical bells ...
Thank you and please buy my sheet music.
-- Chris Moran, EGSDH, Knob-U-ryu™
*Thanks MCG
Chris Moran wrote:
Then I'll just sit back and listen to the cash registers ring their clerical bells ...
レジスター 霊慕 (Yearning for the register bell)
Last edited by rpowers (2009-07-03 22:24:00)
And Chris, how do we address you? Your Knobness; The Grand Knob; Knobolicious Prevariticus? And can we pay for your sheet music with shells and colorful pebbles?
I will not be convinced of the validity of Knob-U-ryu™ until I see what the logo looks like. Hint, hint..........
Jeff Cairns wrote:
And Chris, how do we address you? Your Knobness; The Grand Knob; Knobolicious Prevariticus?
'Your Knobness' will do. I must, at least, appear humble. But 'Knobolicious Prevariticus' would be more appropriate in coronation ceremonies for my master students.
rpowers wrote:
レジスター 霊慕 (Yearning for the register bell)
Yes! That will be the final piece you'll learn before your coronation.
Jeff Cairns wrote:
And can we pay for your sheet music with shells and colorful pebbles?
Most thoughtful of you.
Tairaku wrote:
I will not be convinced of the validity of Knob-U-ryu™ until I see what the logo looks like. Hint, hint..........
Do we have a "smiley" for one raised eyebrow?
Of course I have absolutely no idea what your hinting at.
I'll have to beg help from the DOKYOKU POLIZEI. After today, I'll need their help for security anyway.
-- Chris Moran, EGSDH, Knob-U-ryu™
Chris Moran wrote:
Tairaku wrote:
I will not be convinced of the validity of Knob-U-ryu™ until I see what the logo looks like. Hint, hint..........
Do we have a "smiley" for one raised eyebrow?
Of course I have absolutely no idea what your hinting at.
I'll have to beg help from the DOKYOKU POLIZEI. After today, I'll need their help for security anyway.
-- Chris Moran, EGSDH, Knob-U-ryu™
After lengthy interrogation the suspect in question confessed to uncontrollable thoughts about sausages, before descending into nonsensical pleas for "Sa fire, sa fire!" Appearing to be in a state of withdrawal we were forced to return him to his native habitat with no further information.
Commissioner on authority of Central command
Small but important part of Japan
Mr. Justin
Justin wrote: … ustody.jpg
After lengthy interrogation the suspect in question confessed to uncontrollable thoughts about sausages,
Who even suspected that Horst had a change of clothes?
Chris Moran wrote:
Jeff Cairns wrote:
And Chris, how do we address you? Your Knobness; The Grand Knob; Knobolicious Prevariticus?
'Your Knobness' will do. I must, at least, appear humble. But 'Knobolicious Prevariticus' would be more appropriate in coronation ceremonies for my master students.
Not to be pedantic, but the correct term is "Your Knobiness".
His Knobness wrote:
Thank you and please buy my sheet music.
-- Chris Moran, EGSDH, Knob-U-ryu™
After reading please send all monies to His Knobness
Congratulations Chris! You've really set a new standard with this piece. The last note has more ledger lines than any note previously achieved. Awesome!
P.S. I'm a little short right now.
Last edited by Jim Thompson (2009-07-05 14:11:56)