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I am Horst. I am Zen master. Therefour Horst Xenmeister.
Vary imprortanting to know difference from own buziness and other buziness from other peoples. If someon steal my wurst is problem. If someone steal wurst und senf from other Zen master is their problem. If someone steal bier is everyone problem. Should get Untied Nations to issue order against steal wurst or music notes? Untied Nation having more imprortant issue, such global climate warming. End of history.
I'm so glad you said that. I couldn't agree more.
We are in Oktober. Oktober is the month of Oktoberfest as other months are their own monthsfest.
No bier is stealed on these month. All bier is lended. Or something like that.
Nobody is owner of anything. We should take care to not let the beer become too much warm. So let it go to when you can't dry the glass.
Against global beer warmt because ozone holes...
Justin wrote:
chattemao wrote:
"注:目前发现银行分行代码存在兼容问题的城市有:青岛、深圳、大连、厦门" see , that is what paypal's saying . i have no credit card , and it says it will be need to wait for the bank authentication , but my bank is out of the list . try to live in China , you will found what i mean in and out of my words . thanks for your judge and your "help " . we did chat on Email. i beg you'd forgotten .
best wishes , i think wishes mean cahes . right .
chatonHi Chaton
Sorry I did not realise it was you as your name was not displayed. If your bank is not on the list, perhaps you could open an account with one which is on the list. Or in the end it may be down to the Chinese government's restrictions on Chinese currency transfer. Other than that you could perhaps send a postal cheque (if they have them in China) or send money by post or via someone you know. Good luck.
C'est La Vie En Chine , et C'est ma vie , pas ta vie . 精誠所至金石為開 . i will get the way and be in my way to shakuhachi . anyway , thanks .
Note from admin:
This thread is deteriorating. If someone doesn't post another nude pic I will have to close it.
Tairaku wrote:
Note from admin:
This thread is deteriorating. If someone doesn't post another nude pic I will have to close it.
I doubt whether any of us are really ready to face the Yoda nudie pics.