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dear friends,
I am very happy to let you know the release of
"11 Japanese Minyo Folk Songs for Shakuhachi" Book/Play-along
This booklet has 11 Minyo songs in Western (C instruments) and Japanese Notation.
It comes with a CD with full performance Shakuhachi & Guitar & Play-along-tracks.
The play-along are high quality, a experienced guitar player performs there. You can play in public with them & sound really good.
The arragments are cool. They are all different. You can preview the tracks & notation in my website
All the production this project was done in my desktop (Notation/Recording/Mixing).
I want to thank Ed Beaty for the cover desing & technical advises. (cover below)
The Booklet is available as a digital download (mp3/Pdf files) for $20 and also if you like a physical copy for $30 (shipping included)
Last edited by geni (2009-07-13 18:36:46)
it seems nice , how much it is ?
geni wrote:
The Booklet is available as a digital download (mp3/Pdf files) for $20 and also if you like a physical copy for $30 (shipping included)
You can use Geni's email link (above, by his avatar) to contact him directly.
Hi Geni. Congratulations on your songbook; it looks great; cool cover design by Edosan too.
Daniel Ryudo wrote:
Hi Geni. Congratulations on your songbook; it looks great; cool cover design by Edosan too.
The book and CD are wonderful. Not only is playing along with the CD great musical training to get the phrasing right, and you can concentrate on that because the notes are relatively easy without difficult fingerings and pitches, but it's a ton of fun too. And aside from that, I've got something halfway impressive to show friends and family when I attempt to show them what I've been spending a large part of my life on. Jamming the minyo songs to a rocking backing track goes a further than solo Japanese children folk songs in impressing friends. Heck, I even impressed myself, I'm actually making good, listenable music. Seriously, this is a lot of fun, and inexpensive too. Maybe we can get a shakuhachi karaoke contest going!
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