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Dear members of Mujitsu and Tairaku's Shakuhachi BBQ,
Due to user difficulties and administrative workload of the Shakuhachi Marketplace, we are reintroducing a revised version of the old Buy/Sell/Trade forum. One difference will be that posts in the new Buy/Sell/Trade forum will NOT appear in the "show recent posts" page. Members will need to manually access the Buy/Sell/Trade forum to see all posts. This means the Buy/Sell/Trade forum will function more like the classifieds in a newspaper rather than as news or editorial content. It allows members to control their own access to this forum and maintains a commercial free front end favoring shakuhachi content. (Many thanks to "Tieguy" of the PunBB Forum for writing the code to make this change possible!) We hope this new policy will create a healthy, useful and user friendly Buy/Sell/Trade experience for sellers and buyers.
Also, we are providing templates for your advertisement which you must use in order that all ads carry equal weight. In the previous Buy/Sell/Trade forum we had problems with misleading claims and overuse which led to its demise. We think these templates will create an atmosphere of relative objectivity and promote more accurate and informative item descriptions from sellers.
Mujitsu and Tairaku's Shakuhachi BBQ requests a minimal donation of 5% of proceeds from sellers to help underwrite the time, effort and infrastructure costs of the Shakuhachi Forum. You can click on the Paypal button found at the top of each forum page as well as underneath the "Buy/Sell/Trade" forum link to make your donation. We feel this will be a more efficient way to help support the forum.
By posting an ad in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum you consent to have your ad edited or deleted by the administrators in case of misleading or inappropriate content. Abuse of this service may result in the deletion or banning the offending member. Ads which do not use the templates provided will be deleted. All ads will be deleted after 30 days. Upon sale of the item please post a followup message indicating that it is sold and kindly make your donation.
Items which are available on other sites for a lower price are not allowed.
Dealers and shakuhachi professionals may post items for sale. However, we ask that you exercise common sense in doing so as this service is for selling/buying/trading shakuhachi items and not for promoting websites or businesses.
Mujitsu and Tairaku's Shakuhachi BBQ ( does not endorse any of the products in this forum and are not responsible for any controls on sales. Sales are strictly between buyer and seller. Caveat Emptor.
We hope you enjoy this new service.
Mujitsu and Tairaku