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Hi All,
I see that Kiku is involved in a shakuhachi playing workshop with Michael Soumei Coxall in London on Feb 6th.
I will be holding a making workshop that same day in New York. … 085#p28085
By the time the performances start in London, the New York participants will have just started making their flutes. How about we start an impromptu International Shakuhachi Day?
Anyone anywhere else in the world want to partake in the shakuhachi on Feb 6?
Peace to all, Perry
I'll be playing here in Japan!
Nice! I agree, we should make 6 February international shakuhachi day?
Last edited by Kiku Day (2010-01-11 13:36:30)
I'm coincidentally teaching a shakuhachi workshop in Montreal on that day!
Last edited by nyokai (2010-01-11 13:22:00)
Woah. How cool is that. The fact that all three events happening on the same day was unplanned makes it even better. Is this how tradition's start?
There will be sounds of PRACTICE eminating from the severe Southeast; i.e., Central Florida!! This is exciting! Perry, Kiku, et al......we SHOULD dub Feb 6 International Shakuhachi Day! How else will this get started?
Well, I guess setting an international day for shakuhachi should first start with checking the dates if there are no strong competitors.
For February 6 there two competitors: International Day for Safer Internet and International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The latter being particularly strong potential competitor as it is supported by UN and various other organisations. To be honest, I feel such issues should not be competed against...
My two cents,
marek wrote:
For February 6 there two competitors: International Day for Safer Internet and International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The latter being particularly strong potential competitor as it is supported by UN and various other organisations. To be honest, I feel such issues should not be competed against...
My two cents,
I hear ya' Marek. Thanks for pointing this out. It's also Waitangi Day in New Zealand. Instead of competing against these, maybe a Shakuhachi Day can help with a compassionate awareness, understanding and help to heal with these issues in some small way on that day. A blowing in support of, if you will.
marek wrote:
Well, I guess setting an international day for shakuhachi should first start with checking the dates if there are no strong competitors.
For February 6 there two competitors: International Day for Safer Internet and International Day Against Female Genitals
Shakuhachi good.
Wurst und Bier beter.
Female genitals BEST WAY!
Not posible Against Female Genitals
End of History.
Hey Phil, Sorry I missed your posting. that's Great!
nyokai wrote:
I'm coincidentally teaching a shakuhachi workshop in Montreal on that day!
Kerry wrote:
marek wrote:
For February 6 there two competitors: International Day for Safer Internet and International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The latter being particularly strong potential competitor as it is supported by UN and various other organisations. To be honest, I feel such issues should not be competed against...
My two cents,
MarekI hear ya' Marek. Thanks for pointing this out. It's also Waitangi Day in New Zealand. Instead of competing against these, maybe a Shakuhachi Day can help with a compassionate awareness, understanding and help to heal with these issues in some small way on that day. A blowing in support of, if you will.
Horst Xenmeister wrote:
Shakuhachi good.
Wurst und Bier beter.
Female genitals BEST WAY!
Not posible Against Female Genitals
End of History.
I see the issues. Perhaps it can be as Kerry suggest, an unofficial day of recognition and awareness.
So far we have the UK, USA, Canada, Japan, anyone else want to commit?
Last edited by Yungflutes (2010-01-12 09:45:12)
Is it really a competition? Is the Day for a Safer Internet really drawing attention away from the problem of the mutilation of women? In the US the entire month of February is Black History month, but that didn't stop the other two days from coming into being. Personally, I feel like either/or approaches to things are generally what's wrong with the world. Just my two cents.
BTW, the mutilation of females is a big problem throughout Africa and other parts of the world. Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy is a gut wrenching novel about the subject. A good way to honor that day would be to get a little more educated about it in order to really have awareness.
That said, maybe it would be better to establish a day based on when that International Shakuhachi Festival (?), like the one that happened in Australia last year, occurs rather than throwing something up just because several folks just happen to be doing something shauhachi related on the same day. That smacks of half-assed-ness to me. Also, something a little further in the future may allow others of us who don't have something public going on to actually get something going in our area in the interest of spreading shakuhachi awareness. These seem like the real issues at hand. If we worrying about "competing" with other causes, we may be hard pressed to find a free day.
The general establishment of 'Days' smacks of half-assed-ness to me. Who really pays attention any of 'em other than for the obligatory
holidays. [ducks head for onslaught]
I tend to agree, Ed, although I have to say I don't like how cynical it makes me sound when I do. I imagine there is already some day set up to celebrate Japanese culture, music and otherwise.
I wonder if we ever thought about fighting for a real official international shakuhachi day on 6 Feb.....?
The interesting part was thinking about how funny it was that quite a few of us had organised a shakuhachi event that same day.
What-ever we are competing against or not - let's then just play that day and try to pay attention the fact that so many of us love that instrument.
edosan wrote:
The general establishment of 'Days' smacks of half-assed-ness to me. Who really pays attention any of 'em other than for the obligatory
holidays. [ducks head for onslaught]
Yep, trivializes real holidays like Halloween and Kwaanza.
I doubt Perry was really establishing "Shakuhachi Day" he was probably just saying, "How cool we're all doing something on Feb. 6, what are the rest of you doing".
No need to turn it into an international political slagfest!
what are the rest of you doing
Watching porn. This site is merely a distraction during the buffering.
lowonthetotem wrote:
what are the rest of you doing
Watching porn. This site is merely a distraction during the buffering.
Ha yes this is how I do it as well!
Now I have to remember to give my donations to support all the performers on those porn sites hahaha!
lowonthetotem wrote:
BTW, the mutilation of females is a big problem throughout Africa and other parts of the world. Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy is a gut wrenching novel about the subject. A good way to honor that day would be to get a little more educated about it in order to really have awareness.
Yes, and also for dumbass European countries to refrain from allowing African immigrants and refugees to practice this in the name of "religious freedom".
What happens in Africa itself is not going to be changed by having a "day" dedicated to it.
Horst Xenmeister wrote:
End of History.
Horst nailed it.
Okay, while rest of the Too-Cool-For-School Shakuhachi Forum Dead-enders are off watching porn and sniffing each others lederhosen ...
... some of us, who enjoy life, who value our shakuhachi friends and who are grateful to our shakuhachi ancestors, will on February 6, 2010 be observing a peaceful, joyous and filial International Shakuhachi Day.
Chris Moran wrote:
Okay, while rest of the Too-Cool-For-School Shakuhachi Forum Dead-enders are off watching porn and sniffing each others lederhosen ...
... some of us, who enjoy life, who value our shakuhachi friends and who are grateful to our shakuhachi ancestors, will on February 6, 2010 be observing a peaceful, joyous and filial International Shakuhachi Day.
Good one!
But seriously why make a Shakuhachi day? What is the meaning why be so cheap taste as this? Everyday IS a Shakuhachi day you play for yourself and your own development and if you get to play well enough then one day the wife likes to hear your playing instead of wishing that you would choke on that damn flute. hell if we have a Shakuhachi day we should go on Oprah to publicize this wonderful flute that everybody should play.
I don't think awareness and over publication of Shakuhachi can really be helpful in the end. I have seen what Americans have done with martial arts and now it is a freaking joke. Might as well leave Shakuhachi as it is and people that really want to play WILL find the forum, sellers, shops and teachers online it is not that hard in fact it is as easy as finding porn now.
lets not turn Shakuhachi into a movement or fashion statement. I guarantee you all it will only lower the overall tissue of Shakuhachi culture. Already we can see this tendency when we shop on Ebay and witness the list of crapola flutes made by wannabe makers.
"Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?"
—Robert F. Kennedy
Happy Shakuhachi Day!
Gishin wrote:
Everyday IS a Shakuhachi day
Right! What day is not a shakuhachi day?
Gishin wrote:
I have seen what Americans have done with martial arts and now it is a freaking joke.
And what day is not Hatin' on Americans Day?
Gishin wrote:
lets not turn Shakuhachi into a movement or fashion statement. I guarantee you all it will only lower the overall tissue of Shakuhachi culture.
By all means, let's keep our tissue up.
I'm taking orders for Official International Shakuhachi Day™ 2010 t-shirts. I haven't made them yet, but when has that ever hampered enterprise ... $¥$¥$ ~ ¥86,000 each! What a barGAIN! ~ $¥$¥$:
Shakuhachi Players Do It with Hakama
I've Got Roots! — International Shakuhachi Day 2010
Uta my Guchi !!! — International Shakuhachi Day 2010
Komuso Do It With Baskets On Their Heads ( ... for a reason)
ORDER YOURS TODAY !!!!! (Offer void where prohibited, May cause death, Not safe for pregnant men, Side-effects include breathing)