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New York Times, March 8, 2010: Whale sushi served as 'kujira' sushi at the Hump in Santa Monica, California
Photo of Giles Peterson, a "D.J.", enjoying his whale sushi at a posh Japanese eatery. This utter dolt was sick to his stomach the next day and rushed to hospital in Osaka -- Bon Voyage, MoFo!
Last edited by Chris Moran (2010-03-15 23:37:22)
I had whale a couple of times in Norway and Iceland. It was YUMMY!
Gosh... you guys are courageous.... I would never dare to talk whale among Americans....
I had whale once or twice in Japan. It's good, but I don't think it was so delicious that I need to eat it. My neighbours in Norway are crazy about it and when I took Japanese TV crews to Norway, they always could meet and exchange views on how important it is to be able to eat whale...
The people from Faroe Islands (which is technically a part of Denmark [like Whales and Scotland is a part of Great Britain]) are addicted to the annual slaughter of a little whale type called the Dolphin Calderon.... It is for them very important aspect of their culture. I am often asked to sign petitions against this hunt of the whales on Faroe Islands, where boats chase them onto the shore where-after... you know. I have never been able to sign these petition because I know how much it means for the Faroes.... but I myself can easily live without whale (easy said by a vegetarian - I know)
A link to some pictures of a Faroe whale catch here: … olphin.htm
I would actually really like to go to the Faroe Islands and experience this at close hand. Perhaps after that I can sign the petition... a little like how I stopped eating meat. I lived in a community where we had chicken, rabbits, pigs, goats, duck and ate them...
I am not so uptight regarding being vegetarian anymore. I taste everything.... and that is how I got to taste whale. I didn't get ill after eating it though...
Last edited by Kiku Day (2010-03-09 06:41:47)
It is kind of shocking, but everything is relative.
Kiku Day wrote:
Gosh... you guys are courageous.... I would never dare to talk whale among Americans....
I had whale once or twice in Japan. It's good, but I don't think it was so delicious that I need to eat it. My neighbours in Norway are crazy about it and when I took Japanese TV crews to Norway, they always could meet and exchange views on how important it is to be able to eat whale...
The people from Faroe Islands (which is technically a part of Denmark [like Whales and Scotland is a part of Great Britain]) are addicted to the annual slaughter of a little whale type called the Dolphin Calderon.... It is for them very important aspect of their culture. I am often asked to sign petitions against this hunt of the whales on Faroe Islands, where boats chase them onto the shore where-after... you know. I have never been able to sign these petition because I know how much it means for the Faroes.... but I myself can easily live without whale (easy said by a vegetarian - I know)
A link to some pictures of a Faroe whale catch here: … olphin.htm
I would actually really like to go to the Faroe Islands and experience this at close hand. Perhaps after that I can sign the petition... a little like how I stopped eating meat. I lived in a community where we had chicken, rabbits, pigs, goats, duck and ate them...
I am not so uptight regarding being vegetarian anymore. I taste everything.... and that is how I got to taste whale. I didn't get ill after eating it though...
That is very sad. It is funny how people are brought up a certain way and feel it is ok because their forefathers did it.Not to put down any culture but anyone can see how cruel that is. That is right up there with seal clubbing.
Last edited by purehappiness (2010-03-09 09:12:00)
I truly don't give a shit there is much more important issues in the world than this.
Anyway this was some of the best sushi I ever had. Made me feel as if this was a bit like Horse sashimi.
Now that being said people should just stop to be childish and over sensitive about anything. As far as I consider what the Japanese do is less of an hypocrite thing than massive farming in the U.S.A etc. When they kill a whale they use everything and nothing goes to waste meat skin bones all is used. The same thing is done here in Canada with Seal hunting the meat skin etc all is used no waste at all but artsy fartsy Euro freaks could not mind their own business and make a big deal out of it to satisfy the grass eaters again there is much more important issues than seal hunting.
When it comes to the DJ getting sick hell a hot dog could have been the cause it is too easy to blame it on whale.
Another controversial topic. I am staying out of this one.
This is my last post on this topic.
Gishin wrote:
When they kill a whale they use everything and nothing goes to waste meat skin bones all is used.
Fine, but where do you draw the line? It's important not to overfish. Not everyone who wants to can partake.
There is one big issue in the world "there are too much humans". We are not the only beings in the world that have a right to life. Man we have to take care about mother nature and so on. I am not a vegetarian and I am not living healthy or the right way but I try to always have in mind what I do and what I eat in this case. We really have to take care about nature and other beings that is the only TRUE job in our lives everything else is just crap!
All the best!
Last edited by Christopher B. (2010-03-09 11:08:42)
purehappiness wrote:
That is very sad. It is funny how people are brought up a certain way and feel it is ok because their forefathers did it.Not to put down any culture but anyone can see how cruel that is. That is right up there with seal clubbing.
I have never heard that seal clubbing (done only on baby seals) was a tradition! Correct me if I am wrong.
A lot of these cases it is rather people for whom it is not a tradition that causes over-fishing or anything over-.
I hope you know which country has actually killed most whales and therefore undermined the countries like the Faroes that kills whales once a year or some years not at all if the whales do not get near enough shore. It looks dramatic - but only if a group of whales come close enough to shore are they able to do this. And even if the whales get close enough they often escape anyway.
I am certainly not a pro-whale-killing, but I really think we have to think a little deeper into why we do things as we do, and not think that what I do is 'natural' because it feels 'natural' to me.
I do remember when Greenpeace launched their campaign against the clubbing of baby seals... they never differentiated between the traditional killing of adult seals which is/was done by lone hunters and where the meat, bone and everything is used - as Gishin mentioned. The campaign caused everybody to cease buying seal skin/fur adult and baby as people didn't know the difference. It is ok with me that people don't buy fur or wear fur... I don't, but...
This meant for the traditional people of Greenland some villages suffered and actually really got into economical trouble. The Danish government had to step in and support the living of these traditional people.... and what do you do? Give them cash money to get by? But their way of living was really in danger. I was only a child when this campaign happened... and as far as I remember the Danish government also bought skin and launched a contra campaign where the killing methods and the looks of baby and adult fur was clarified.
In the case of baby seals they are clubbed so they don't move so much and then they are skinned alive. The carcass left to rot. The adult seal are shot and everything used - and at times the only way for a traditional hunter family to earn a living.
In Scandinavia but especially in Denmark where we have this connection to Greenland (it's another part of the country like the Faroe Island) a lot of people wear adult seal fur coats. I hear it is the warmest and most wonderful coat to wear. I don't have one of course. Just like I don't eat whale meat apart from just trying in Japan. But I'd like to look into why people actually feel it is their right to kill and eat certain animals. I have no mercy with the Japanese who fish whales near antarctic or other far-away Oceans with high-tech equipment. But I can't see how whale killing once a year (if they are lucky) with speed boats to get the whales on shore and people in the water could put the world in danger.
On the other hand people can survive without whale meat... it is really a difficult and for some very emotional discussion.
Last edited by Kiku Day (2010-03-09 11:31:49)
I am sorry for any comments I make that are wrong. I am not that up on the seal clubbing thing either. I take back that comment.It is tough though to see animals killed like this even if it is for the good of the people to survive. It is a tough call either way. I guess I am too kind hearted but I also eat some meat so I am just as bad. I Should learn to know when to stay out of a conversation.
Last edited by purehappiness (2010-03-09 11:50:03)
Purehappiness, I think your comment was just fine!
Kiku Day wrote:
But I can't see how whale killing once a year (if they are lucky) with speed boats to get the whales on shore and people in the water could put the world in danger.
"Saving the planet" according to George.
No hate mail please! This is just for the sake of levity!
Chris, you are a skilled provocateur!!!
Mostly, Chris is just naughty....
Morality aside, I think one of the problems with eating whales, sharks, and other top level predators is the level of toxins that become concentrated in their tissue from eating many smaller, heavily polluted species. Even the whales that eat just krill and smaller organisms accumulate alot of toxins due to the volume that they consume. Of course, the toxins aren't good for the whales either, so even if we didn't hunt them, we would be killing them nonetheless.
Growing up on the Chesapeake and spending nearly all summer on VA Beach, I know first hand how the marine environment has changed, just in my lifetime. Their used to be small "sand crabs," skate eggs, conch "sacks," horseshoe crabs, and tiny colored clams living in or washing up on the surfline all over the place. Now ... nothing but sand. Even over the last ten years, since I have lived in Florida, the shells that wash up on the beach have dwindled to a fraction of what they used to be and nearly all the grasses have been wiped out in the nearby river. All this stuff about whale hunting is just a distraction from the real issues.
It reminds me of that saying"its not nice to fool with mother nature".
The whale I munched on in Iceland was beached whale. Don't know about the Norwegian stuff........but I wanted to try it for the experience.
Mujitsu wrote:
No hate mail please! This is just for the sake of levity!
Chris, you are a skilled provocateur!!!
Mmmmm.... I think you have a little hidden skill there too, Ken!
Woooooohooo... this George Carlin! Is he well known in the US? Certainly playing with fire...
Kiku Day wrote:
Mujitsu wrote:
No hate mail please! This is just for the sake of levity!
Chris, you are a skilled provocateur!!!Mmmmm.... I think you have a little hidden skill there too, Ken!
Woooooohooo... this George Carlin! Is he well known in the US? Certainly playing with fire...
He's dead, and in Heaven (he's an atheist...) and very well known in the US.
Hell, I'd eat a human if it was fixed right.
Some anyway. Some humans I wouldn't feed to a diseased river rat.
ABRAXAS wrote:
Hell, I'd eat a human if it was fixed right.
...with some fava beans, and a nice Chianti, perhaps?
They don't call it 'long pig' for nothin', y'know...
Comedy can be used to make people bekieve that bad things are not bad and vice versa. And can make people say bad things with easy, without being too direct. "it's joking that we said the trues" : theren't is a said like that?
Since we are already fucked as George said, people will not care if the pecuarists put the Amazon down to the ground... like it's happening... slower now, but it's happening.
Tairaku wrote:
The human I munched on in Iceland was beached human. Don't know about the Norwegian stuff........but I wanted to try it for the experience.
I'm married to a Norwegian. You might want to add pepper sauce.