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Hey all,
at todays practice I noticed that I put my tongue behind my lower lip when I play in Kan...I never noticed that before.
Maybe because I played a bigger flute in the last days? Are any othere here that do that? Is that common?
I have noticed myself doing a similar thing (I only play 1.8).
The tip of my tongue rests just behind my lower lip when I start to play; but not just in kan. I can't imagine this is good for the embouchure so I make a concious effort to correct it by anchoring my tongue behind the lower front teeth. I'm sure my teacher said that is the best position for a beginner.
It would be interesting to hear what other experts say.
I think it is just an unconscious way of speeding up the airstream. You can try pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. That is another way my teacher had taught me.Not the tip of the tongue but the middle and don't let any air escape from the sides of your tongue. Force the air thru the middle out the flute.I still don't have that exactly right but it does work with practice.
Oh, Thanks for replying. I was just curious if I am doing it wrong or something. I think I have never done that before but now I notice that I do it all the time when I play in Kan.
That technique lets you not have to concenntrate on your lips as much so you can open up your lips and it gives you more room to do meri's and kari's and such. You will find you won't lose your sound as easily since you are not concentrating on a sweet spot, per se, so much.