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Tube of delight!

#1 2010-06-04 19:37:04

Kiku Day
Shakuhachi player, teacher and ethnomusicologist
From: London, UK & Nørre Snede, DK
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 922

Iwamoto Yoshikazu

I'd like to - in my insomnia state - add Iwamoto Yoshikazu to this list of people who has helped spread the knowledge of shakuhachi. Iwamoto has been tremendously important for the beginning stage of introducing shakuhachi to Europe. He had many students - not only in England where he lived - but also in Germany, France, Holland etc.

Iwamoto was not only a very good honkyoku player trained both in the kinko tradition and the the style of Yokoyama Katsuya - he was also an amazing interpreter of contemporary music. He commissioned many composers who wrote for him. With his superb playing skills and tireless attitude to playing difficult pieces his contribution to introducing shakuhachi Europe and into the Western contemporary classical scene has been very valuable.

I am a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves through
listen to this music



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