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#1 2014-12-31 00:15:30

From: Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo-ken
Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 203

Anyone know anything about Hokyo sanya kyoku? 鳳叫三谷曲

I found an interesting piece of notation for a honkyoku called Hokyo sanya kyoku. 

I also found some information about the piece in Japanese.  I roughly translated it:

"It is one of the sanya (三谷)shakuhachi classical honkyoku pieces, said to have been passed down in the Myoan-Shinpo ryu school (Myoanji in Kyoto),
however it is not seen in those passed down by Katsuura Shôzan.
The rooster phoenix 鳳 and the hen phoenix called 凰 from ancient times are regarded as auspicious and divine birds.
The similarly named Hokyo koku (鳳叫虚空) of the Taizan school is a separate piece."

At first when I saw the piece I thought, oh it is another title for Hokyo Koku, then when I compared the pieces they are very different. 

I found the notation in an old collection of notation by Yamagami Tsukiyama (山上月山). 

Anyone know if there are any recordings out there of this one? I'd be very interested in hearing played. 

Also if anyone wants, I hand-wrote it out and can scan it to put on here if it would be okay. What do you think?


菩薩勝慧者 乃至尽生死 恒作衆生利 而不趣涅槃 般若及方便 智度悉加持 諸法及諸有    一切皆清浄 欲等調世間 令得浄除故 
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#2 2015-01-04 18:47:07

Tairaku 太楽
From: Tasmania
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 3226

Re: Anyone know anything about Hokyo sanya kyoku? 鳳叫三谷曲

Bogert wrote:

Also if anyone wants, I hand-wrote it out and can scan it to put on here if it would be okay. What do you think?


Please do!

'Progress means simplifying, not complicating' : Bruno Munari



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