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  •  » Bamboo Nano Cellulose Fibres for DIY Shakuhachi and even Metamaterials

#1 2024-07-19 00:13:36

Mustafa Umut Sarac
Registered: 2008-12-20
Posts: 34

Bamboo Nano Cellulose Fibres for DIY Shakuhachi and even Metamaterials

%40 of the bamboo made from nano cellulose fibres and I read being sold for RS 100 for a kilogram at Rewani.

For precision cast bores , we fill cavities with epoxy and epoxy bamboo cellulose fibres mixes have excellent mechanical properties. It would be lot closer to original bamboo shakuhachi.

And the metamaterials ! Bamboo cells are lying only to one direction . Mixing ABS and nano bambo fibres and manufacture a bio mimic material with 3D Printing is mind boggling journey.
You can create cells lies in variable directions when whatever your generative design software generates or you can make measurements on printed shakuhachi and select one.

Mustafa Umut Sarac


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