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Chih-men was asked, "What is my self?"
He replied, "Who is asking?"
The questioner said, "Please help me more."
Chih-men said, "The robber is a coward at heart."
Everyday I listen,
I rob some shakuhachi music.
some thief,
listening to me,
empties my shakuhachi
when I'm not looking.
Zen shakuhachi Robin Hoods
pickpocketing empty purses.
-- benjo
Who is my mother ?
Whose mother am I ?
Kel. §
My face before I was born for a while was a twinkle in my daddy's eye... the old smoothie!
The donut is a wonderfully feminine sweet meat IMO, while it conforms to donut conception that is, which isn't very long in my house. I eat around the Mu then the Mu gets its own say.
mmmmmmmmm...... muuuuuuuuuuuuu.......mamu, mu me, ma mu.
It seems almost incredible how many animals will eat their own offspring, I just read that hedgehogs will. And others will mate for life and weep at the loss of an egg. Did you se "The March of the Emperor Penguin" ?
Kel. §
It seems almost incredible how many animals will eat their own offspring, I just read that hedgehogs will. And others will mate for life and weep at the loss of an egg. Did you see "The March of the Emperor Penguin" ?
Kel. §
"Look for Buddha outside your own mind, and Buddha becomes the devil." Master Dogen
“things like the Three Vehicles and the twelve divisions of the scriptural teachings—they’re all so much old toilet paper to wipe away filth. The Buddha is a phantom body, the patriarchs are nothing but old monks. . . If you seek the Buddha, you’ll be seized by the Buddha devil. If you seek the patriarchs, you’ll be fettered by the patriarch devil. As long as you seek something it can only lead to suffering. Better to do nothing.” Lin-Chi
Lin-Chi, what a character, I always enjoy the story:
Words are not a necessity,
Words are a necessity,
Words are not a necessity.