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Irish Melodies for Shakuhachi:
Celtic honkyoku
Philip Horan
Music from two cultures have an interesting meeting. Not an equal partnership, but just enough technique and timbre differences to make it not “Just another folk music played on a bamboo flute” CD. Enough Celtic influence is retained which leaves no doubt as to the music’s origins. Almost exactly enough (never too much) honkyoku is alluded to, leaving no doubt about its influence during the interpretation of these pieces.
It’s a good listen, and I look forward to the next release.
Many thanks Bruce for your kind words. Just a reminder that this CD is currently only available from
It also comes with complete Kinko and Tozan scores of all 20 tunes for less than $40. Free samples available from
The CD contains all tunes played on 1.8 and is designed as a playalong (without ornaments and rubato) so is easy to follow. However, I have included 5 tracks of tunes from the collection in performance mode.
I do plan to make a full performance version perhaps by the end of summer as well as a CD with Irish harp player, Junshi Murakami.