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You may have noticed that Phil Horan and I wrote reviews of Larry's "The Alder Bough" recently. This did not happen miraculously. Larry sent us copies for review.
Ken and I have discussed and we'd like to beef up this section of the forum, because it's informative and helpful.
As of now the review process is ad hoc. People write if they feel like and people may (or usually don't) send their CD's, books, notation, flutes etc. to others to review.
We're calling for someone to moderate and coordinate this section of the forum. Here's how it would work, ideally.
1. Moderator appointed
2. Gathering a cross section of qualified reviewers, who know shakuhachi and write well.
3. People with items for review contact the Reviews Moderator who then informs them who to send the product to for review. Moderator also contacts people with interesting items to review and asks for items.
4. Reviewer(s) post the reviews.
5. Shakuhachi community is more well informed.
Once we get further along with this idea we'll flesh it out.
In an indefatigable quest to improve this forum:
Your Administrators
I will volunteer to do some work here. What and how much depends on the need, I guess.
Good luck to us all. This is a very good initiative !
Thanks, admins.
Thanks dudes and dudettes, besides Pepe and Kiku we have a few other review volunteers who contacted me off list. We still need a moderator, maybe someone with journalism experience?
chris moran qualifies!!
Nobody seems interested in becoming the reviews moderator so instead we'll resort to a bit of ad-hocery.
If you want to review stuff post your information here. Perhaps describe your background and fields of shakuhachi interest.
If you want people to review your stuff, choose from among the self appointed reviewers and contact them to send them your wares.
Rule: If you accept the CD or whatever you must write a thoughtful review, not just "It is awesome. Buy it!"
Let's see if this yields anything.
It's nice when people have some kind of idea about products so hopefully musicians and makers can hook up with enthusiasts and get a bit of descriptive prose flowing.
Nobody seems interested in becoming the reviews moderator so instead we'll resort to a bit of ad-hocery.
If you want to review stuff post your information here. Perhaps describe your background and fields of shakuhachi interest.
If you want people to review your stuff, choose from among the self appointed reviewers and contact them to send them your wares.
Rule: If you accept the CD or whatever you must write a thoughtful review, not just "It is awesome. Buy it!"
Let's see if this yields anything.
It's nice when people have some kind of idea about products so hopefully musicians and makers can hook up with enthusiasts and get a bit of descriptive prose flowing.
We still encourage those of you who already own CD's, books and flutes to write reviews just out of a sense of contributing something useful to our little forum.