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I hope not to be too redundant in this review of Larry Tyrrell's latest effort, many, many others on the forum have already raved about this excellent issue. To me, what stands out the most is the ability to easily and precisely identify all the notes and notation. With a very crisp, I believe a computer font, every note is identical and spaced out on the paper between each note with more open area than the norm, so that there is a special ease of playing without the puzzlement. The kan and meri notations are also printed in this fashion so there is absolutely no confusion. Every column is precise and orderly, a player's delight! The notes seem to float is little on the pages. I work in advertising, so my personal enjoyment comes from his choice of complementary colors, his super thick card stock for both durability and quality feel, beautiful typeface that reflects the Celtic music presented, Even the spiral binding is color coded to match the book!!!!!!! This has to be a labor of love, because it is too reasonable for what you are getting. I was given a numbered volume ( #26 ) limited edition stamped with Larry's hanko, hopefully in the future I can add more pages, and then Larry can stamp it again, so than I can have a more highly valued two hanko stamped book! Heh! Heh! I personally like a varied repetoire, and an unabashed crowd pleaser, so I highly recommend this to anyone who desires to use the shakuhachi for beautiful music of any kind for themselves or others. Included is a good description of Larry himself and his accomplishments in the shakuhachi world. All in all, a must have!! This volume is available from Larry himself, at and now on Ebay you can BUY IT NOW, # 110328705987. Wishing all forum members, all you ONE Thousand Members, Happy Holidays and to remind you to buy yourself the best present ever, the gift of music. Sincerely, Clinton Moy