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I receive many inquiries from flute makers about bamboo suppliers so I'd like to post a review of a gentleman in China I'm happy to work with.
I've been corresponding with James for the last four months about the type of bamboo I'm looking for. I'm very impressed with the bamboo he has supplied me and would recommend his services to other flute makers.
Bamboo for shakuhachi is a very personal thing for each flute maker. We all have our individual preferences based on what we are trying to do. I find James to be very receptive to my particular needs. It is obvious that he puts a lot of effort into listening to the customer.
Since we all have different requirements, I think the key is to have a good idea of what you are looking for and the ability to express it. I'm sure James will let you know if he can accommodate you.
Five stars! *****
James's Bamboo Website:
James's email :
James is a very friendly and nice guy!
Really nice to talk with about bamboo! He enjoy a lot his harvesting work and do it all with passion and love!
Yeah, He's a nice guy and his bamboo is good.
Ken, thanks for you posting for me, I learned a lot from you and made many friends here, thanks.
Musgo da Pedra , thanks for your nice words for me.
Bogert, I'm willing to see your Shakuachi.
Yeah, I really like James. I dont need his bamboo cause I dont be a craftsman but James are such a nice person. I write often with him via msn, he really become a friend.
Today I received a package with two pieces of very fine madake from China.
I bought two nice pieces from James.
Nice nodal configuration, good wall thickness, good diameter.
I am very happy with those!
Musgo da Pedra wrote:
Today I received a package with two pieces of very fine madake from China.
I bought two nice pieces from James.
Nice nodal configuration, good wall thickness, good diameter.
I am very happy with those!
Please post pics of the results, Henrique.