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Well, I have been playing a 2.4 Shakuhachi for about a month now, with no previous musical experience whatever. I think I will simply be sharing my frustration on this post, with an audience that understands, and perhaps has some ideas or words of encouragement that will help.
I get up at 530 am every day (mostly) meditate, practice Shakuhachi, yoga asana, practice Shakuhachi, mediate - goto work.
When I get home for the evening I practice Shakuhachi too - unless I'm too tired, however even then I try, but it soon becomes obvious that I should not.
I practice in a chair, in a simple cross legged yoga position and standing up.
My progress was going along – Ya know, 1st no notes, then one, then another then all the notes, then sharper/cleaning notes, then trying to put the notes together, focusing on the hands/the embouchure, trying for consistent sound, using lots of Arnika on wrists and forearms, lots of advil, exercising wrists and forearms and on and on and on.
Sometimes I sound really good – for a very very very short period of time - did I say VERY SHORT?
Sometimes I look in the mirror while playing assessing everything, and think – oh I got it now, all the current adjustments are perfect – I blow and perfect – then a minute or 2 later…I don’t “got it”.
And this morning, it was if I was back at day one hardly getting a sound at will – I don’t get it ...ah well. I will endeavor to play well, until I can play well - In fact, I'm going to go upstairs and play a few notes right now.
Thanks for listening,
Where are you? Perhaps there is a teacher in the area.
Perhaps you might consider lowering your expectations and try not to be so hard on yourself. It doesn't appear that your having any fun!
If you are in a hurry to master the instrument, then I would recommend immediate formal instruction from a teacher.
However, you might want to just forget the notes for a while. Have some fun! Focus on breath control and making pleasant sounds. In other words, just take the time to bond with your Shakuhachi.
Be in the moment, remove expectations, and enjoy!
"Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose."
Take care.
I completely agree with Phil.
Bear in mind also that your experience so far is far from unique. It is very common to have bad days and good days for months (not to mention merlely one of 'em ).
A decent analogy: You are trying to learn to walk, and then to run, and you barely even know how to crawl yet, ergo, do some crawling. A great deal of enjoyment can be had from crawling, especially when you can't walk.
Another consideration: With due diligence, you can learn to play any length flute, but you may be putting yourself at some disadvantage by starting out on a 2.4. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, mind you, but I doubt that many teachers would advocate it. Just something to ponder...
Regarding the wrists and forearms: I recommend a short 'hand/wrist/forearm bath' in some hot water just before practicing, and keep your practice time down to short periods rather than long ones...30-40 minutes MAX. It's easy to overdo at this point, which'll only increase your frustration.
And, in case you haven't already seen them, check out these links:
I get up at 530 am every day
Maybe your practice sessions would be more fulfilling/enjoyable if you picked a saner time <-- not a morning person
Thanks for the feedback everyone - good points all of them. I'll put them to use, except NOT getting up early - thats the best!
Thanks again,
I have to say, the warm water before practice is excellent. I have incorporated this into my routine. I warm my wrist/forearms in very hot water and play for 15 minutes or so - when things start to get tight, I do some stretching and dunk my hands again - its working very nicely and I'm able to increase my total lenght of time and the quality of my sessions
There is a story somewhere - the shakuhachi student says to his master - "My practice is terrible, I can't get the high notes, sometimes I can't even get a sound, I am not making any progress.". The master says "Keep practising - it will pass.". Next lesson, the student says "You were right - my last practice was great. I got all the notes and the sound was rich and full - this is easy!". The teacher's response: "Keep practising - it will pass.".
Anthony wrote:
...the warm water before practice is excellent.
I also recommend some gentle stretching of the forearm/finger muscles as a cool-down after practicing...somewhat like a stretching
session after a run. Just walking away from all that heat ain't a good idea.
Hot water baths are commonly used to good effect to loosen up arthritic joints--that is if one is not already pouring down the Ibuprophen...
Last edited by edosan (2006-09-03 20:55:23)
jumbuk wrote:
"Keep practising - it will pass.".
OMG. So true. Thanks for that! There's a great taoist story/lesson of a farmer and his son with a similar theme.
Accepting cycles, without expectation and judgement is so important. When practicing, just practice... (So easy to say!)
excellent story - such is life!
i'm glad i made the initial post - its refreshing and encouraging to know that many share similar experience
thanks so much,
There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.
“Maybe,” replied the old man.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.
“Maybe,” answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
“Maybe,” said the farmer.
Thank you, Ed. That's the one.
"What would Lao Tzu do?" Probably shrug.
Last edited by dstone (2006-09-05 01:13:52)
Perhaps it is good not to think of playing as 'practice.' Someone who was irritated by my playing in a certain place once said to me . . . "must you always 'practice' here" ? I said to her that I never practice - I only play. I never 'practiced' the scales either: I would just choose one and play it as I would any other piece of music. Then there are times when I will choose just one of the notes of the scale and 'play' that just as I would any other piece of music. In this way I am not burdened by thoughts of 'what and how' - I am always enjoying the experience. PD
de_Genova wrote:
I said to her that I never practice - I only play.
I hope this reduced her irritation.
Enjoyment while playing is great. But will it always be there? I don't think so -- the human condition means we'll have days when blowing the flute isn't enjoyable. That's when it becomes clear if we view something as "practice" or not -- do we persist at it when our self doesn't find it enjoyable?
dstone.....ya know what's really funny about that experience. All this took place in a Pontifical University here in Rome and the 'place' was actually a church, where I would go to play once a week, as a sort of a little spiritual concertina for the students. The music was sacred - as in Gregorian etc. She was one of those who prays all day, but never seemed able to apply it in a real way to her life and her surroundings. She eventually complained to the 'powers that be,' and rather than come to me and ask me to leave they just shut down the whole church -- metal doors and all, and its still closed to this day. I have to smile at the 'Dominican' solutions to things.............PD
It can be helpful to intersperse formality with spontaneity, and vice-versa.
Kel. §
Hot water soaks are most valuable... and acupuncture is another good idea. Proper needle placement can get a little complicated; anyone who's interested can email me about it.
This seems like an appropriate topic to post my thoughts, rather than begin a new topic.
I have had my Yuu for three days.
My past experience is: (no lessons on anything, and can't play anything decent, except perhaps my harmonica)
I 'have' a clarinet but can't play it, although I learned how to play some notes nicely, and it has been fun to fiddle with.
I have had a 'recorder' for years, and fiddle with that as well.
And most recently I made a few transverse flutes from PVC pipe, which I am able to make some nice notes on from time to time.
And now, the Shakuhachi.
Reading on this site has been invaluable, although much of the suggestions on embouchure don't seem to be exactly what I'm doing when I get a nice sound.
Day one with the Yuu: (First, the thing seems really well made and I was impressed with it). I was able to get some sounds within the first 20 seconds of trying, but very intermittent, as expected)
Day two: not much better than day one, as expected. (I'm going into this thinking it will be months, at least, until I'm able to make consistant 'sounds')
Day three: First, I only spent a few minutes each on day one and two (less than 30 probably). Today however, before picking up my flute, I took a walk outside. (I live in a GREAT place with a small river in my back yard, lovely!) And when I came in I found that notes came easily, and I had a great 15 minutes or so of mostly finding pleasing sounds.
That was a long story for the brief advice I have to really new-comers to the Shakuhachi, especially to those who are embarking on this adventure without a teacher:
I attribute my progress today on a brief walk outside just before playing; a storm coming, the sound of wind gusts in the trees, and dozens of little birds busy flitting from their willow perches to catch a bug over the river and returning. These things give a wonderful lesson in Shakuhachi playing.
Continuing on my third day with the Shakuhachi:
My girlfriend was sleeping in the other room, and the house is small, but I wanted to practice, so I've been playing as softly as I could... wow. I've learned SO much in the last twenty minutes.
Lance wrote:
Continuing on my third day with the Shakuhachi:
My girlfriend was sleeping in the other room, and the house is small, but I wanted to practice, so I've been playing as softly as I could... wow. I've learned SO much in the last twenty minutes.
Cool. Try playing even softer so all you get is those little windy sounds they call whistle tones. Spend some time with those things and not only does it put you into a different state of mind, but somehow it really helps in playing good, solid normal tones.