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anybody ever own any flute that he made? How did ya like it? simple yet nice tone?
I have one that is transverse and sounds very beautiful for being 30 bucks.
I purchased a flute-making kit (transverse) from him a few years back that got me started on making wind instruments. His stuff is good for the money I think- depending upon what you are looking for. The flute that I received that was called "oriental" was unfortunate. He does a good job at mimicking the sounds of different regions flutes by using different shaped bores. I have no experience with his higher-end flutes that are tuned A440, or with the decorated finishes. I know that he grows and harvests his own bamboo, and that it is the best bamboo that I have seen for transverse and end-blown flutes that are played obliquely. I have been using his bamboo for my end-blown (non-shakuhachi) flutes ever since.
I tried a so-called shakuhachi of his. It was not a shakuhachi:-)
geni wrote:
I tried a so-called shakuhachi of his. It was not a shakuhachi:-)
Yeah, I just watched the video he has on his website about his "shakuhachi" and he says at the end that really it is a quenacho (big quena)- that is, with an Andean style mouthpiece.
Yes, I have two flutes of his, the Arabian flute and the one that's been mentioned already, `the shakuhachi.'
They're good flutes with a good tone and Erik himself is helpful and very committed to what he does.
Regarding the shakuhachi, to be fair to Erik I seem to remember him referring to it as a flute with shakuhachi tuning (referring of course to the hole placement and so on), and he's very clear about the modified mouthpiece.
It isn't a shakuhachi, strictly speaking, as has been said, but having had this flute for a year I'd say it's definitely a good, useful instrument with a shakuhachi feel to it. In addition, having only recently bought a Yuu I've found the technique I developed on Erik's flute helped when it came to playing a true shakuhachi.
They're naturally different - and I need to work with both flutes so as not to lose the tone quality. I found the quality on Erik's flute deteriorated at first when I'd been playing the Yuu, despite Erik's flute initially having helped. But that's true of any kind of flute - there are similarities and differences.
I remember when I first got the lowest note on Erik's flute, thrills went through me at the sound textures and the living feel of the music, and it's definitely possible to vary the pitch as you do with a shakuhachi, even though not in quite the same way.
Think of Erik's flute as a related instrument in the same general flute family and I don't think you can be far off. But expect it to be strictly a shakuhachi and it won't be.
I'd recommend Erik's flutes to anybody, though, and I'm very glad I have his shakuhachi-tuned flute as well as the Yuu.
Last edited by Sweep (2008-09-15 07:57:26)
I have several of his transverse flutes-like fifes & bansuri- style. Not the greatest instruments but fun and useful. He makes a good living while putting affordable if not cheap flutes into the hands of people that might never find the joy in playing-
I remember when I first got the lowest note on Erik's flute, thrills went through me at the sound textures and the living feel of the music, and it's definitely possible to vary the pitch as you do with a shakuhachi, even though not in quite the same way????