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For those in or near the San Francisco Bay Area, Brian Tairaku Ritchie and Shakuhachi Club SFO will be performing "Shakuhachi Jazz and Blues" at The Riptide bar on Friday, October 3rd.
For those who haven't been to The Riptide, it's a wonderful, funky little bar on the edge of the continent in San Francisco's Sunset District. Never a cover charge! The Riptide is my local watering hole and we're all jazzed about the gig!
Come on out, have a Bombay Sapphire martini and enjoy some inspiring music!
Brian Tairaku Ritchie with Shakuhachi Club SFO
Date: Friday, October 3, 2008. 9:30 PM
Venue: The Riptide - 3639 Taraval Street @ 47th Avenue, San Francisco. 9:30 PM.
Price: FREE!
Who is in the band?
Maybe you can broadcast the show Live through Justin TV.
geni wrote:
Who is in the band?
Maybe you can broadcast the show Live through Justin TV.
Roger Rocha on guitar and Steve Mackay of Iggy Pop and the Stooges on sax. Plus special guests TBA. I may sit in a bit on bass and shakuhachi as well.
Justin TV? Hmmm.. Interesting. I'll see if they have an internet connection. Good idea!
Hello all,
Last reminder about the concert Friday, October 3, in San Francisco.
I just got a call from Jordanian percussion wiz Hani Naser, who will join the gig.
Free admission to any members!
Ooooh! Hani Naser often gigs with the estimable and very greasey David Lindley.
Break both legs, Tairaku! Wish I could be in on that number.
Ok, not the last word. Just wanted to let everyone know that we'll be broadcasting the Brian Tairaku Ritchie and Shakuhachi Club SFO rehearsal on Thursday, October 2, at around 2:30 or 3:00 PM Pacific Standard time. Raw and natural! Tune in and say hi!!!
This will be on my Mujitsu channel on Justin TV at:
See you then!
Nice poster. Good luck with the show Brian; looks like it'll be a great gig!
Last edited by Daniel Ryudo (2008-10-02 06:16:54)
Cool rehearsal Ken, Brian & Roger.. [an event in its self]
So, how did it go?
And can those of us who couldn't stay awake to watch the direct transmission see it somewhere?
Hi Kiku!
I believe you can see the rehearsal at Mujitsu's channel. Follow this link and it should bring you to the first video:
(Though for some reason it doesn't play when I try to watch it...)
That's funny, I had problems too. I watched it for a while without difficulty, but when I signed in to chat, I couldn't see or hear the broadcast, though I could still read the chat. And I haven't been able to connect since. I figured it was just my crappy old computer.
The gig was great. Hani flew in from LA, Perry flew in from NYC, Steve flew in from Prague, I flew in from Tasmania. Roger and Ken were already in SF.
Lots of fans, including 2 who came in from Tasmania! They said nobody could understand what they were saying.
Anyway a picture is worth a thousand words or whatever. These were taken by Peter Yung on his mobile.
Tairaku, Yung and Mujitsu reminiscing about the Jinashi Wars and HBIUHG*IBUT&TUYBIUB*YUGYTFFV*^&^F VF TFVUHGVHGHGHVFIYUT IGY"
Hani Naser, Roger Rocha, Dave Pompo and legendary Steve Mackay.
First meeting of the brain trust in 4 years
Thanks to the forum members and other public who packed the joint and made it fun.
Man that was fun! It was an extreme honor and pleasure playing with Shakuhachi Club SF.
Brian, any Shakuhachi Club NY gigs in the works?
Peace, Perry
Here is a video from October 3 at the Riptide in San Francisco. "Summertime." More later!
Here's another: Space Coconut
A few more videos:
Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd)
Watazumi's Tea Bowl (Ritchie)
is that your Dog in the video?
geni wrote:
is that your Dog in the video?
That's one of the patrons dogs. They unofficially allow dogs in the bar so regulars often bring them along.
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