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Jeff Jones wrote:
I had an old girl friend that tried to see god by way of nutmeg and all she got was really sick, she might have seen some things but I don't think it was the sort of things she was hoping for. I think she ate two table spoons.
Jeff, OLD girlfriends are OLD girlfriends often because of the differences in our visions. No? Ironically, I had an OLD girlfriend in high school nicknamed "Nutmeg". Her effect on me was different: quite effective without the time lag. I also have an OLD(X) wife who saw a God (evidently it wasn't me) everyday. I thought three was a crowd anyway.
lowonthetotem wrote:
I would not advocate trying to see god or God through the use of anything chemical. I've found that two tablespoons in milk offers a pleasant sensation without nausea or other less desirable side effects. I suppose I neglected to mention that one of these is enough. I think most people's difficulty with nutmeg is that they are looking for some kind of hallucenation experience or the like, and they go to it expecting a similar experience to what they have on elicit drugs like pot, opioids, or the like. In many cases people get sick because the effect does not occur fast enough for them or is not intense enough for them, so they do more and more. I enjoy two tablespoons occasionally without issue, but I am not seeking God. Maybe that is the difference.
I have heard that the problem with nutmeg is that the effective dose is quite large and close to the lethal dose.
This is not true at all. By assuming an "effective dose," people are obviously looking for some experience in particular like euphoria or halucinations. I think this is the mistake. It can take several hours for nutmeg to be fully digested. I think many folks continue to consume more and more during those hours thinking that they have not ingested the "effective dose" and have experiences that are less than enjoyable. As with most things, nutmeg can offer relaxation and a pleasant mood change in small doses and has been used in culturally traditional medicines for centuries. If you are interested in a vision quest, hit the sweat lodge.
In hind sight, maybe this drink recipe was not the best to post here. I don't want to advocate drug use or any of the bs ideas that it can lead to an expanded mind, a clearer vision of reality, or any other spiritual mumbo jumbo. Perhaps we should just strike that last recipe from the forum before it leads to more misunderstanding and encourages someone to do something stupid. My sincere apologies. I should have had more complete sight before making that post.
Two tablespoons of nutmeg in milk sounds rather awful actually. Never heard of it. I have been in a sweat lodge in the middle of winter in a bathing suit. Not too many visions, though I was sick for about two weeks. They say it's purging the soul. I say it's pneumonia.
I just thought of some kind of alcoholic bouillon based drink. I’d imagine Vodka would be the only suitable alcohol for experiments. Maybe i'll try it this weekend.
Vevolis wrote:
I just thought of some kind of alcoholic bouillon based drink. I’d imagine Vodka would be the only suitable alcohol for experiments. Maybe i'll try it this weekend.
Sir, you should not be allowed near liquids of any kind
Now that the conversation has taken such a silly turn the automatic ads are ridiculous.
For the purists ...
This one can take several weeks to prepare.
In a dark closet, store a bottle of your favorite gin next to a bottle of your favorite vermouth so that the bottles touch.
Chill a martini glass with ice and a little water and fill a shaker with ice and pour in the gin. Shake, empty glass, and refill with the chilled gin. For good measure, you can wave the unopened vermouth over the drink. Finally garnish with olives, cocktail onions, or both. Sometimes, I'll skewer an anchovie with a tooth pick use that. Admittedly, I have a strange pallet.
Honestly, beef bullion and vodka sounds kind of good, although the salt from the bullion and the alcohol will likely lead to some temporary hypertension.
Here is a cool link for making homemade gingerale, which I like to mix with bourbon. … le_Ag0.htm
lowonthetotem wrote:
Honestly, beef bullion and vodka sounds kind of good, although the salt from the bullion and the alcohol will likely lead to some temporary hypertension.
Precautionary measure - locate Kidney 6 acupressure point prior to consumption by marking the spot with an 'X', should hypertension then occur press on 'X marks the spot' with medium pressure for approximately 3 minutes.
Lodro wrote:
Precautionary measure - locate Kidney 6 acupressure point prior to consumption by marking the spot with an 'X', should hypertension then occur press on 'X marks the spot' with medium pressure for approximately 3 minutes.
I guess that would be KI-6 here: … s.php#KI-6
Are you saying you should do this before you drink?
radi0gnome wrote:
Lodro wrote:
Precautionary measure - locate Kidney 6 acupressure point prior to consumption by marking the spot with an 'X', should hypertension then occur press on 'X marks the spot' with medium pressure for approximately 3 minutes.
I guess that would be KI-6 here: … s.php#KI-6
Are you saying you should do this before you drink?
Well this was meant to be a bit 'tongue in cheek' (sorry I should have added a smiley), but yes that's the spot and it's a good acupoint if you do have an attack of hypertension. My point about marking the spot before you drink is that after you've drunk you might be so inebriated that you've no idea where the point is anymore
Lodro wrote:
radi0gnome wrote:
Lodro wrote:
Precautionary measure - locate Kidney 6 acupressure point prior to consumption by marking the spot with an 'X', should hypertension then occur press on 'X marks the spot' with medium pressure for approximately 3 minutes.
I guess that would be KI-6 here: … s.php#KI-6
Are you saying you should do this before you drink?Well this was meant to be a bit 'tongue in cheek' (sorry I should have added a smiley), but yes that's the spot and it's a good acupoint if you do have an attack of hypertension. My point about marking the spot before you drink is that after you've drunk you might be so inebriated that you've no idea where the point is anymore
(this should be in health related section but i'll put here as it relates (somehow) to previous post)
Further points for hypertension: PC 8, 9 Sp 1, 6 St 36