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I was just wondering where one could obtain the 53 tozan honkyoku notations? Is there an online shop I'm not seeing, or would someone let me buy them or share them with me : ) Maybe not all of them, but some of them. I only have 5 from a book I got in German.
Also where to get recordings of said pieces? I looked around and didn't really find much of any recordings of the Tozan honkyoku.
I've been branching out and exploring lots of different schools while I have the time to practice whatever I wish. Well thanks for any info or help.
I have Kogarashi, Shufugin, Iwashimizu, Mine no Tsuki and Kogetsucho (also Shinsenchotansho, but I don't think it is a honkyoku)
Here is a list of all the Tozan honkyoku pieces incase you were wondering. This website has them listed: … kyoku.html
I'm really looking mostly for the solo pieces, since I'll be playing these by myself. If there are some extra cool duo or trio pieces though that's always good.
Last edited by Bogert (2007-02-14 20:37:48)
The best place for scores is probably the official Tozan-ryu site. It may only be in Japanese. The address was posted on a recent post about links. You can get a set of 3 CDs of tozan honkyoku from mejiro.
Oh ok, thanks. Yeah I was looking at the official site, but I'll have to e-mail for shipping prices. It seems they have every piece created for the Tozan ryuu on there. Didn't notice the 3cd set on Mejiro's site though. I'll have to check that out.
This book might interest you: 都山流本曲 解説と奏法. Mejiro carry it too.
Thanks, I actually have almost all of the 53 honkyoku now. I wrote that original post probably a year or 2 ago..
Didn't know about those cool sets though. Thanks for the link.
I read this treath just now and with high interest so, because I'm looking for those pieces at this moment. In the book of the German lady Ingrid Fritsch I 've found exactly the same pieces as named by Bogert, and I like doing them enough to also want to work on the others. Only my Japanese is zero, and I can make nothing out of the given site. Is there a translantion in some western language available? Where did you find/How did you get the pieces Bogert?
Oh, ha, you're right, that was two years ago! Sorry, I didn't notice.
I don't know if there's a translation available out of Japanese, but given the low level of interest in Tozan-ryu outside Japan, I doubt it.
Hi Dun Romin,
I don't think there is an English version of the site..
I can read Japanese and write, so I just placed an order from the site..
I think I actually found those first pieces in that same book you mentioned by Ingrid Fritsch, because the book was all in German.
If your really interested in ordering those pieces, maybe I can help you out. Send me an e-mail and maybe we can figure something out.