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it is so hard to find a well chikuho ryu fingering , could anybody help me ?
I have found a wonderfull blog on the net. I think that will help you much: … harts.html
If this is not the right one, cause I think there are some different fingerings depenting on the "temple" I can make one for you if you want that.
My teacher also use this notation system but we have a little different in fingering on some notes. There are also some special notes that have other fingerings and atari is not made with the hole above in my school. I am still a beginner but I think I can help you with the notation cause this is the main notation I use in study.
Best wishes!
Last edited by Christopher B. (2009-09-27 05:07:58)
Here is a Chikuho fingering chart with the details translated into English, and some introductory notes (from Riley Lee's dissertation) for those
who may be interested (direct download link):
Christopher B. wrote:
I have found a wonderfull blog on the net. I think that will help you much: … harts.html
If this is not the right one, cause I think there are some different fingerings depenting on the "temple" I can make one for you if you want that.
My teacher also use this notation system but we have a little different in fingering on some notes. There are also some special notes that have other fingerings and atari is not made with the hole above in my school. I am still a beginner but I think I can help you with the notation cause this is the main notation I use in study.
Best wishes!
the link doesn't work , are you sure that is the right one ?
edosan wrote:
Here is a Chikuho fingering chart with the details translated into English, and some introductory notes (from Riley Lee's dissertation) for those
who may be interested (direct download link):
dear edosan , would you might to download it and send it to my email , coz i had tried my best to download it with all my softwaves , but they lost .
chattemao wrote:
Christopher B. wrote:
I have found a wonderfull blog on the net. I think that will help you much: … harts.html
If this is not the right one, cause I think there are some different fingerings depenting on the "temple" I can make one for you if you want that.
My teacher also use this notation system but we have a little different in fingering on some notes. There are also some special notes that have other fingerings and atari is not made with the hole above in my school. I am still a beginner but I think I can help you with the notation cause this is the main notation I use in study.
Best wishes!the link doesn't work , are you sure that is the right one ?
The link works fine for me on Firefox 3.5.2.
The Chinese government has a way of blocking millions of websites... it's quite possible that chattemao is unable to do a direct download on account of this.
edosan wrote:
chattemao wrote:
Christopher B. wrote:
I have found a wonderfull blog on the net. I think that will help you much: … harts.html
If this is not the right one, cause I think there are some different fingerings depenting on the "temple" I can make one for you if you want that.
My teacher also use this notation system but we have a little different in fingering on some notes. There are also some special notes that have other fingerings and atari is not made with the hole above in my school. I am still a beginner but I think I can help you with the notation cause this is the main notation I use in study.
Best wishes!the link doesn't work , are you sure that is the right one ?
The link works fine for me on Firefox 3.5.2.
it is not about the software .
Zakarius wrote:
The Chinese government has a way of blocking millions of websites... it's quite possible that chattemao is unable to do a direct download on account of this.
we have not more change to see the youtube , twitter , facebook , lots of blogs ...... there was some days , even Rileey Lee 's homepage . FXXk , sorry . thanks Zak and edosan .
Maybe you can use another DNS-Server
Last edited by Christopher B. (2009-10-08 12:29:28)
Christopher B. wrote:
Maybe you can use another DNS-Server
That may work but I doubt it. It can all be controlled from the ISP. If it was that simple the government wouldn't be able to block content as everybody would just go around it.
Maybe accessing a proxy server located in a different country would work but I would think they would block that as well.
You also have to take in to account that subverting a fascist government for a fingering chart may not be worth it.
Christopher B. wrote:
Maybe you can use another DNS-Server
have you ever seen the insects fall into the spider's net ? that is my feeling now .
nyokai wrote:
For a few of the ways to get through the Great Firewall of China, see , , and
The way most large-scale censorship works, not just in China, is through spreading misconceptions and fear more than through highly effective technology or enforcement. I would think the way to counter it is one fingering chart at a time.
satire ~ none of them works , i need a proxy sever to get to the other proxy sever net , in post , some proxy sever nets worked well , but now , they lost . sometimes some websites i need are showed constrainedly , all the pics don't show , pure words .
my friend trys to intall a TOR (The Onion Router), but it doesn't work in my pc , don't know why . god , is that Divine retribution for sins ? god forgive me .
i wanna be a butterfly far away the spider net . "(
Sounds like you need a bridge to the tor network. Since the torproject IP is probably blocked, you may need to find a different way to see the info at ...
Best of luck to you, I hope you can find a way to get uncensored Internet.
Interesting, I'll be curious to see if that works but not surprised if it doesn't.
(To anyone in China: I would be happy to provide a temporary tor bridge relay if it were just to do one or two things at a particular time -- let me know and I could email you the bridge relay access ID. Not a long term solution, but it might enable you to find other private bridge relays.)
nyokai wrote:
(To anyone in China: I would be happy to provide a temporary tor bridge relay if it were just to do one or two things at a particular time -- let me know and I could email you the bridge relay access ID. Not a long term solution, but it might enable you to find other private bridge relays.)
i could get to the link , but i am not good at the system and software settings : ( : (
: (
: (
: (
: (
Hey there,
I just want get back to topic, I am working on a fingerchart used in our notation (a little bit different from the chikuho) you know chattemao these will work for the pieces you have. I copied the orginal kanjis from the pieces my teacher gave to me. I also will try to explain all the advanced fingerings and special notes (I am still a beginner but my teacher showe and explain me the advanced stuff slowly).
My tacher still is in Japan now but I will ask him to make this Chart public on the net if I finsih it.
Best wishes!
Christopher B. wrote:
Hey there,
I just want get back to topic, I am working on a fingerchart used in our notation (a little bit different from the chikuho) you know chattemao these will work for the pieces you have. I copied the orginal kanjis from the pieces my teacher gave to me. I also will try to explain all the advanced fingerings and special notes (I am still a beginner but my teacher showe and explain me the advanced stuff slowly).
My tacher still is in Japan now but I will ask him to make this Chart public on the net if I finsih it.
Best wishes!
well , well , Mr. angel , would you allow me to sing a gregorian for you ,
The gift you gave me
Our sweet encounter
Became so fragile and flew with the night
I will be witness
I will not falter
Till we are risen again to the light
.... "