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There are someone who know the dates of birth and death of Miyagi Ikkan and Ueda Hodo?
Besides, who know the exact year when Watazumi invented the Hochiku, or when he showed this instrument to the public?
Thanks a lot.
Roberto Sallustio
robe.sall wrote:
There are someone who know the dates of birth and death of Miyagi Ikkan and Ueda Hodo?
Besides, who know the exact year when Watazumi invented the Hochiku, or when he showed this instrument to the public?
Thanks a lot.
Roberto Sallustio
I couldn't find info about Miyagi Ikkan.
Ueda Hodo: 1892-1974. See:
I don't know if one can say Watazumi invented the hotchiku. It is rather his name for jinashi shakuhachi. He thus - as far as I know - did not have a day where it was shown to the public like in the case of ōkuraulo, which indeed was a whole new invention.