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There's a Japanese antique shop next to my office. The owner called my attention to an old book with an illustration of a komuso. MAN I WAS SHOCKED BY WHAT I FOUND! I had one of my Chado staff translate the writing as well.
ボンベイのサファイアは本当の禅の方法である。(Bombay Sapphire is true zen way)
ボンベイのサファイアを慎しむ彼は啓発を知ることができない。 (He who abstains from Bombay Sapphire cannot know enlightenment)
仏はボンベイのサファイアのマルティーニの酒飲みだった (Buddha was a drinker of Bombay Sapphire martinis)
This find is of groundbreaking historical significance. Ken and I thought that when we imbibed Bombay Sapphire martinis we were merely partying and having a good time getting drunk. But now we realize that we instinctively rediscovered an ancient komuso sacred rite. It is now our duty to spread this secret to the masses via Mujitsu and Tairaku's Shakuhachi BBQ. In addition Ken's use of Bombay Sapphire in the Taimu urushi is no longer merely a is the source of the spiritual essence of the Taimu sound. Oh Buddhist joy!
Ok world if this was life I had it!!!!
Hahahaha man he marked us for life!
Damn! I just handed in my Phd thesis too! This rattles my whole theory
I could go into a long diatribe about how an English liquor with an Indian name is emblematic of the colonial oppression expressing itself in the supposed post-colonial world, illustrating the need for a wholesale shift in international power structures in the interest of liberating the proletariat from their own internalized self-hatred brought about by capitalist robber barons' use of status symbols and spiritual icons to rationalize their stranglehold on the world through materialism and out dated, moralistic religiosity, but I realize that you don't have to be a pot-head to be full of shite and that watching porn would be a much better use of my time.
Cheers. Gin is for "The Queen's English" speaking ninnies. Wild Turkey is for manly, hairy knuckled red neck fucktards ... like myself.
lowonthetotem wrote:
Wild Turkey is for manly, hairy knuckled red neck fucktards ...
.....and I have the old scars to prove it!
WT 101 + High Speed + Pavement =
The Wages of Shakuhachi Sin
They have honey flavored Wild Turkey for the adventurous Redneck.
No grasshopper that is for girl rednecks, like sweet Knob Creek and Marker's Mark.
Designer booze for designer drunks.
Let the booze wars BEGIN!!!!
lowonthetotem wrote:
Cheers. Gin is for "The Queen's English" speaking ninnies..
OI! I'm English, I don't like gin.
I am a ninny though.
Let the booze wars BEGIN!!!!
I can tell that the force is strong with you!
History Revised
I found this other historical document (in the Japanese edition of "High Times" magazine, so of impeccable historical veracity) which further proves that komuso drank Bombay Sapphire. Scholarship can be fun!
This forum is going to hell in a headbasket.