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#1 2010-02-11 08:48:09

From: Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo-ken
Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 203

Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I recently joined the Komuso kenkyukai, and they sent me loads of research material in back issues of the Ittonjyobutsu.
I was wondering if anyone else is part of the Komuso research group?  I was thinking to translate some of the articles.
I asked it it would be okay, but haven't gotten an answer yet.  I'll try to translate some in the meantime.

For people that are interested in this stuff, but can't read Japanese it is almost impossible to learn. 
So any of us that can translate should share what we can.  My Japanese is less than stellar, but I can read okayish and translate with time.
I find the articles quite interesting, so I'm sure others would too : )


菩薩勝慧者 乃至尽生死 恒作衆生利 而不趣涅槃 般若及方便 智度悉加持 諸法及諸有    一切皆清浄 欲等調世間 令得浄除故 
有頂及悪趣 調伏尽諸有 如蓮体本染 不為垢所染    諸欲性亦然 不染利群生 大欲得清浄 大安楽富饒 三界得自在 能作堅固利



#2 2010-02-11 09:00:14

Kiku Day
Shakuhachi player, teacher and ethnomusicologist
From: London, UK & Nørre Snede, DK
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 922

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I am or was a member. I haven't got around to pay my membership fee this year. It is quite complicated from outside Japan. Last year I got my cousin to pay for me....
Yes, the articles are good. Komuso kenkyukai has a lot of information lying around like a box of treasures...
I wouldn't mind doing some translation too. It could be a nice project. But when to find the time... perhaps we could talk about it and make plans for what would be best to translate first.

Last edited by Kiku Day (2010-02-11 09:01:29)

I am a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves through
listen to this music



#3 2010-02-11 10:25:37

From: Oxford, England
Registered: 2009-10-02
Posts: 257

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I'm also more than happy to help with translation smile



#4 2010-02-11 10:26:02

From: Japan
Registered: 2006-08-12
Posts: 540

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I'm a member and go there for the yearly meetings and other times too. It's a great organisation. Would be great if you translated stuff.



#5 2010-02-11 21:51:20

From: Grand Island, NY/Nara, Japan
Registered: 2005-11-14
Posts: 305

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I'm a lifetime member too. I got it while on scholarship and chalked it up to research fees wink
There is some pretty good info in there but you really have to be careful. At times you may think you are finding the wholly grail to shakuhachi mysteries, and then in the end you find out it is more like some odd old guy's romanticized fetish of "how it was in the past".  Lack of citations is a big clue if it's research or diary/blog stuff.



#6 2010-02-12 13:59:51

Kiku Day
Shakuhachi player, teacher and ethnomusicologist
From: London, UK & Nørre Snede, DK
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 922

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

Yeah, I agree, Josh. The quality of the writings are very varied. smile

I am a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves through
listen to this music



#7 2010-02-13 04:05:59

From: Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo-ken
Registered: 2005-12-05
Posts: 203

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

Thanks, yeah we should certainly keep that in mind when selecting what to translate. 

I'll start to look through and see what looks promising.

菩薩勝慧者 乃至尽生死 恒作衆生利 而不趣涅槃 般若及方便 智度悉加持 諸法及諸有    一切皆清浄 欲等調世間 令得浄除故 
有頂及悪趣 調伏尽諸有 如蓮体本染 不為垢所染    諸欲性亦然 不染利群生 大欲得清浄 大安楽富饒 三界得自在 能作堅固利



#8 2010-02-13 21:58:36

Tairaku 太楽
From: Tasmania
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 3226

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

Sounds like a great project for the forum members who are skilled in Japanese.

'Progress means simplifying, not complicating' : Bruno Munari



#9 2010-02-14 19:36:10

From: Oxford, England
Registered: 2009-10-02
Posts: 257

Re: Komuso kenkyu kai, anyone else a member?

I'm not actually a member on there but as I said I would relish the chance to do some translation, if anyone would like to send anything my way.


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