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Tairaku wrote:
Don't really get your statement.
"And I eat organic meat and fish from sources I trust and which have been raised free-range and killed in a (relatively) humane manner. I'm against large scale meat production and willing to pay the price to get superior meat."
Most people I know cannot afford organic, (besides which, there's not nearly enough to go around, anyway), and most people I know can't avoid buying from factory-produced meat, much less pay the price for 'superior' meat. They've gotta get what the system supplies. That's my point.
Nothing personal. Just a fact of 'life'.
edosan wrote:
Most people I know cannot afford organic, (besides which, there's not nearly enough to go around, anyway), and most people I know can't avoid buying from factory-produced meat, much less pay the price for 'superior' meat. They've gotta get what the system supplies. That's my point.
Nothing personal. Just a fact of 'life'.
Vegetarianism is pretty cheap by comparison with meat eating so that's a good option for anybody who is low on funds. This is why rice and beans are staple foods around the globe. Whether meat is organic or not, you can get good meat by buying free range, kosher, etc. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity. If you must eat a 16 oz. steak to feel happy and you're poor yeah maybe you need to buy industrial meat. And there are plenty of people who eat McDonald's and KFC because it's the cheapest food out there. But frankly that's their problem and they're morons.
Where there's a will there's a way......if it's important to you to eat healthy food, whether meat or vegetarian it's within the range of anybody. There are more options now than ever before.
Now back to the BBQ!
Tairaku wrote:
Why do people anthropomorphize dogs and cats to the point that they call them "members of the family" but munch happily on non-family members who are at a similar spot on the evolutionary scale?
When I was just a little girl we use to raise pigs. We always treated them well. My sister and I would play with them like they were dogs. We always gave them names and always said they were like a member of the family. However when it came time to slaughter there was no remorse, and we enjoyed our sunday morning bacon without ever looking back.
I think most people would be disturbed by that, but that just the way it was for us.
I don't think I would ever eat my cat but if I was even in a situation where it was a matter of survial it would be good-bye to dear sweet gemini, I will be greatful that I had her declawed there will be less of a struggle that way
completly off topic... I just noticed someone gave me an avatar. thats shocking! I like though
geminishadow79 wrote:
completly off topic... I just noticed someone gave me an avatar. thats shocking! I like though
We have installed a spambot into the forum software that automatically generates avatars for those poor unfortunates who don't have one of their own. But feel free to change it to something of your own choosing!
Tairaku wrote:
(sorry Jam but your thread was already truly hijacked a few pages ago)
No sh*t, man.
We haven't gone this far south since the old Z*n threads.
Last edited by Chris Moran (2010-03-07 01:12:53)
Chris Moran wrote:
Tairaku wrote:
(sorry Jam but your thread was already truly hijacked a few pages ago)
No sh*t, man.
We haven't gone this far south since the old Z*n threads.
Yeah, I don't know why but we don't have a "split" function and it's too much work to move all the posts individually. So if we don't catch the tipping point of the thread and create a new one early in the divide we are left with unwieldy straying threads.
Tairaku wrote:
Chris Moran wrote:
Tairaku wrote:
(sorry Jam but your thread was already truly hijacked a few pages ago)
No sh*t, man.
We haven't gone this far south since the old Z*n threads.Yeah, I don't know why but we don't have a "split" function and it's too much work to move all the posts individually. So if we don't catch the tipping point of the thread and create a new one early in the divide we are left with unwieldy straying threads.
I kind of like it because of the interesting titles we get for the posts. It makes going back through the pages a bit more interesting than seeing another "Should I get a teacher" topic.
here is a good reason not to eat meat. … stock.aspx
As a carnivore, I don't know of any good reason not to eat meat, but I agree with Purehappiness that the article he referenced would make me think twice if I did not know the history of the animal from whence came the meal. There is a sentence in the article that sums up the entire attitude of the industry in this country and the politico bracing behind it.
"Massive Industry Lobbying Gets Agribusiness What it Wants … at Your Expense"
Greed for the almighty dollar at consumers expence!!!! (insert tirade here)
An altogether best reason to turn my attention to blowing ro.
When my cat is around I can hardly get to teaching my shakuhachi lessons or crafting shakuhachi!
He meows and meows but luckily loves being outside so goes off when he realizes I'm doing my thing.
Last edited by Jon Kypros (2024-03-30 18:46:07)
gosh , everything is connected to everything else, everything affects everything else, what's
a person to do ?
baian wrote:
gosh , everything is connected to everything else, everything affects everything else, what's
a person to do ?
Do the best. And the worst. When needed...
Not to get gross but here is another article. This doctor knows what he is talking about. … meats.aspx
You guys! I leave my thread for 5 minutes and it turns into this!?
Jam wrote:
You guys! I leave my thread for 5 minutes and it turns into this!?
Ken is working on the "split" function as we speak!
To sort of get back on the track we should watch what our pets eat too.
Monsanto is considered to be the genetically modified creator of a lot of foods. I hope these GMO's don't alter our DNA.
Last edited by purehappiness (2010-03-08 14:50:23)
The native american indians used to kill only to sustain themselves and they would use every bit of the animal they killed(furs, bones etc..).
Wow, this is just a vast generalisation that borders on the same kind of benevolent racism that expound that black people are all good dancers. There were several hundred if not thousands of tribes of indigenous people in the Americas before white folks came, many of which had distinct cultural traits and diets. Early plains dwellers simply ran whole herds of Buffaloe off cliffs and butchered and processed what they could into pemmican before the meat turned rancid. Please, not all natives were saints, just like all all Japanese people aren't Zen masters. There is a great deal to be learned from them, but let's not diefy them. Aztecs and Incas were "Native Americans" too and they liked to "give" people to the gods. That seems a little wasteful to me. I have great respect for people that try to limit their impact and try to eat right in that regard, but let's not create a mythology about it. Having attended college with a few Indians (as they themselves preferred to be called), I can tell you that it isn't appreciated the way you think it is.
I grew up about an hour from Smithfield, VA, so pig is like a food group for me and reminds me of meals shared with many friends from home. Eating raw oysters and having a working garden is a favorite way for me to remember my grandfather. Frying pastries in lard is a favorite way for me to remember my grandmother. Making crappy mac and cheese from a box, makes me think of sick days at home with my mom, who could barely boil water. Learning to make anything and everything from scratch is a common hobby/way of life that I share with my dad. For me, food isn't just about being healthy in body. I kind of feel sad for folks who reduce it to its most practical and necessity driven form.
I am sorry for the generalization. I am showing my ignorance in the subject. As in everything I am no master of any topic. I do know enough to get myself in trouble though. As this topic has proven.
Last edited by purehappiness (2010-03-08 13:17:14)
Sorry, I probably came off kind of strong there, and I certainly don't mean to insinuate that all Native Americans feel the same way about their history or want to be called the same thing. But, that is kind of my point, they are individuals who are capable of defining themselves. Generally people don't like to be treated as stereotypes, even if it is a "good" stereotype.
As far as the food thing goes, I'll eat nearly anything. What I don't like is how food is some how becoming some kind of political statement in a large sense. As I mentioned, individually, I have alot of respect for those who take responsibility and devote themselves to a humane and sustainable diet. I just have so many memories that revolve around the family table and the Golomki, the sausage, the breakfast eggs and scrapple, the roasted birds. One of the greatest joys that I have in life is cooking for other people, and the recipes that I have generally come from Poland, Germany, and the south-eastern US. If I only cooked for myself, I probably wouldn't have much trouble eliminating meat. Still, what is healthy and what isn't can be vastly misunderstood by even the people with the best intentions. Dairy fat and other unoxidized fats help to repair your body, especially your brain. Meat, with its high quality protein, has a place in the human diet and has for millions of years. Some starchy carbohydrates are excellent for maintaining healthy Ph in your body, although many folks overdo it these days. Funky cheeses and cultured milk products help to provide us with a variety of bacterial strains that help to fight off malevolent bacteria, digest our food, and produce nutrients themselves. Variety is the key, although the Tarahumara can run hundreds of miles and live long lives on a diet of 90% corn, so what do I know. I just enjoy sitting down and breaking bread with people, family and otherwise, so it is largely the tastes of others, especially my wife, that decides what I am going to eat on any given day. Of course MY favorite meat is vagina, which, oddly enough, my wife doesn't care for but still doesn't mind indulging my tastes in that regard.