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Is anybody out there familiar with the piece Sakura Eleven?. My question regards whether to play it on a 1.6 or a 1.8. It is in concert E minor which suggests possible 1.6 but other factors suggest 1.8. Is anybody privy to how the big boys do it?
maybe its in 11/8 (2+2+3+2+2) ;-)
Last edited by geni (2010-07-11 10:14:41)
Hi Geni,
It is absolutely in 11/8. ( The way it is written is more like 3+3+3+2). I'm just trying to figure out which size flute to play it on.
Last edited by Jim Thompson (2010-07-11 10:58:21)
Hi Jim, I don't know the piece, but I agree with you that E-minor most likely will correspond with 1.6. But if you're doubting between 1.6 and 1.8, try which one gives you the most comfortable feeling when you play the piece. Also the soundcolour might help you to choose which one to play. Last but not least, you can listen where and how the meri-soundcolour is put to give you an indication. Good luck with your choice.
Hi Dun
I did just what you suggested and it became apparent that the recording is on a 1.6. The score I was given was for a 1.8 so there was a little initial confusion. It could be done on a 1.8 but it would be a bit treacherous.
Thanks for your assistance