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The Sebastien Cyr MS Fund.
Sebastien Cyr, known to most of you as Gishin, the outspoken, but always truthful monk from St. Jerome, Quebec, has been struggling with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for the past couple of years. As you can imagine, this has caused many difficulties and challenges, personally, and for family, wife and child.
MS can be a horrible, often crippling affliction that strikes without mercy or warning. Those living with it never really know when the next debilitating round of symptoms will come. The answer, for most, is to live on a cocktail of powerful (and costly) drugs, most of which have a range of powerful and unwanted side-effects.
What many of you may not be aware of is that there have been some major surgical advances in recent years which can halt the onset of new symptoms, and in many cases reverse existing ones. The operation is simple, and has been proven to be effective. This is not a cure to MS, but it has shown itself to be a tremendous, life-improving aid that dramatically reduces, and in many cases, removes the dependence on drugs. This is an option that Sebastien and his wife are very excited about, but as always there is a catch.
The Canadian health care system favours the use of drugs, and refuses to allow MS sufferers to receive this surgical treatment in Canada. Many Canadian’s wish to receive this simple operation, but simply cannot do so. If they want the operation they have to go abroad to receive it. This is something the government has received considerable criticism, particularly from the MS community.
Due to his current condition Sebastien is unable to work, and he, his wife and child, are just barley scraping by. Put simply, he can’t afford the operation, which costs around 10,000 CAD. Previously, the shakuhachi community has come together to help out those who have been struck down with illness.
The forum is not a charity, but it is a place where we help each other, usually by giving knowledge, advice and support to others in a collegial spirit of sharing. For those who would like to help Sebastien and his family with this operation you can do so through a paypal function. Donations, of any size, would be warmly appreciated. Every little bit helps.
For those interested in making a contribution you can send funds via paypal to The Sebastien Cyr MS Fund.
Donations may also be sent via Paypal to:
Thank you.
Here are the details of this new intervention in relation to Multiple Sclerosis…
C.C.S.V.I the acronym for Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency.
C.C.S.V.I was presented by Dr. Zamboni from Ferrara Italy in 2008. He found out that most multiple Sclerosis patients present malformation in either the jugular or azygot veins that will slow down the flow of blood to the brain. With time improper blood flow will create iron deposits in the brain which later cause autoimmune attacks to the brain which in turn causing the degradation of the myelin sheath resulting in the variety of symptoms that you can see in Multiple Sclerosis.
The intervention consists of scanning the Jugulars and Azygot veins by a Doppler scan at first and if unclear a Venogram will be used to fully see all blockages. Subsequently after the discovery of those blockages a dilatation of the afflicted veins will be done by the use of the same balloons used in angioplasty and other vein issues. This will then restore proper blood flow to the brain.
By doing so it will halt the progression of the disease and also depending on the symptoms, age, level of disability produce various type of regression in symptoms up to near total reversion.
To date around 3000 patients got the intervention performed and it produced great results. You can hear about it on Youtube and facebook quite easily. This type of dilatation is quite simple with limited side effects. The intervention is currently performed in Poland, Bulgaria and only 1 center in Albany New-York.
Sadly neurologists in Canada and the USA have tried so far to reject this new discovery by all means despite the clear physical links of Dr.Zamboni findings and the clear results of patients that had the intervention done. They went as far as to call it a placebo effect even when patients regain use of their hands and regain walking ability etc. This sadly is the same story as when doctors found out that most peptic ulcers were caused by bacteria. They were treated with the same type of skepticism rooted in pride but in the end they won the noble prize. C.C.S.V.I is the same story in which they just close their eyes to reality and proof that the treatment does work.
Last edited by Lorka (2010-08-16 08:38:15)
Oh my God.... I thought Canadians had a good health care system.
Let's help our fellow shakuhachi player Gishin!
Thanks for initiating this, Lorka!
I tried the Sebastien Cyr MS Fund and got a fatal error.notice. Is there a problem with the link or is my rig suspect?
HarryHansen wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
I tried the Sebastien Cyr MS Fund and got a fatal error.notice. Is there a problem with the link or is my rig suspect?
I got the same error..
Folks, paypal is a little funky lately. Until the link is fixed donations can also easily be sent directly from your paypal account to:
Harry if you send some $$$$$$ to the Gishin fund I will send you a flute of similar value.
Lorka, perhaps it is a good idea if you post more details about what kind of surgery is possible today. I had no idea myself that surgery was possible to relieve the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. I trust you - of course - but for me it would be nice to know what I give money to (apart from helping Gishin and his family - which is a very good reason to donate money). Then I will feel better donating when the link has been fixed.
Hi Kiku, and others that posted. Sorry I did not reply. I have been away from the computer for a few days (always a good thing to do from time to time).
Brian, that is a very kind offer you made to Harry.
Kiku, good idea. I will add in some text about it in the main post.
Hello, Harry. Your website is currently under construction, nothing to see or hear. For which feature film did you create a soundtrack? I was fortunate to work on the feature Transformers 3 , which came to our city, and may have to follow it to Gary, Ind., Detroit and Milwaukee. It was fun but grueling work while it lasted, but regretfully they have moved on.
Kerry wrote:
Kerry, thanks for this. Good to know!
Lorka, is stem cell transplant legal in Canada and is it the surgery Gishin is thinking of?
It sounds very positive!
Oops! Just saw your addition in the first post, Lorka. Thanks! But the link is still broken...
Last edited by Kiku Day (2010-08-17 00:17:18)
Howdy Y'all,
We will get this link thing sorted out soon. In the meantime, Ken's suggestion of donating directly to Sebastien at "" should avoid any messed up link issues.
Lorka wrote:
Howdy Y'all,
We will get this link thing sorted out soon. In the meantime, Ken's suggestion of donating directly to Sebastien at "" should avoid any messed up link issues.
The links should be working now.
I still get a fatal failure response on the Sebastien Cyr MS fund link. I realize I can do it the other way, but prefer this way because I don't have a paypal account. What's up?
Jim Thompson wrote:
I still get a fatal failure response on the Sebastien Cyr MS fund link. I realize I can do it the other way, but prefer this way because I don't have a paypal account. What's up?
Try this:
The Sebastien Cyr MS Fund.
Click on this then click on the "Donate" link.
The links in the original posts have been converted to this destination as well.
Hi want to take some time to thank everybody for helping so far. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the update on the situation.
I have been given an intervention date at Ameds Centrum in Poland which is the place that performed the most interventions so far. The date is November 4th 2010. So far I had enough points saved up on my card so the flight is covered. The price of the diagnostic and procedure is 5790 Euro or 7334 U.S$. We are at 7134$ left.
It is truly sad to say but I believed and lived all my life so far as a Canadian that I was covered by our medical plan but this is somehow false since this procedure is still not available here and they just started to talk about it so you can figure out years before anything happens. I never knew I would have to resort to doing real takuhatsu this time.
This means time and I just don’t have it not knowing what the next big bang will take away my legs, arms etc? I already lost most of my right eye I walk like a old cowboy that was gang raped lost sensitivity in my hands so I cannot really play Shakuhachi since I never know if I am on the hole or not that put aside all the other symptoms I have.
If you have some time please browse this website made by Dr. Haake which clearly answers all questions on the procedure.
There is also a very good conference by Dr. Hubbard
Later on this week I will be putting 2 flutes a 1.8 and a 2.3 by Monty Levenson for sale as well please look for those.
Priapus Le Zen M☮nk wrote:
The price of the diagnostic and procedure is 5790 Euro or 7334 U.S$. We are at 7134$ left.
So you have a donation of $20? Hmmmm.........
If someone wants to donate to the Priapus fund I will in turn donate a flute.........i.e. you donate $1000 (or whatever) I will send you a flute of similar value.
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
Priapus Le Zen M☮nk wrote:
The price of the diagnostic and procedure is 5790 Euro or 7334 U.S$. We are at 7134$ left.
So you have a donation of $20? Hmmmm.........
If someone wants to donate to the Priapus fund I will in turn donate a flute.........i.e. you donate $1000 (or whatever) I will send you a flute of similar value.
So far we got 200$ not 20$. Well there ya go my Kyoshaku will be given to the highest donator with a chance to hit me and film it on youtube or a nude picture of my wife.
Yes Harry, you may have inadvertently hit upon the solution.
I know Chris Moran and a few other fellas have said they would like to see nude pics of you..........and maybe other forum members would like to see each other. We should have a "nude pic swap for charity" and see how much we can raise.
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
Yes Harry, you may have inadvertently hit upon the solution.
I know Chris Moran and a few other fellas have said they would like to see nude pics of you..........and maybe other forum members would like to see each other. We should have a "nude pic swap for charity" and see how much we can raise.
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
Yes Harry, you may have inadvertently hit upon the solution.
I know Chris Moran and a few other fellas have said they would like to see nude pics of you..........and maybe other forum members would like to see each other. We should have a "nude pic swap for charity" and see how much we can raise.
Brian, do you often laugh at your own twisted jokes?
It was a protest against "LOL".
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
It was a protest against "LOL"
"My sound is my protest." Don Byas
You seem to be attracted to protesting.
Is there anything further we should know?
Tairaku 太楽 wrote:
...and maybe other forum members would like to see each other. We should have a "nude pic swap for charity" and see how much we can raise.
I hope we enlist some more teenage members before this happens!
Or at least more than 3 or 4 female members! It's a bit of a sausage fest in here at the moment.