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#1 2014-11-07 10:45:15

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Same sounds on different holes?


Its my third day with a shakuhachi,  and after some trying around, I noticed something strange with my 1.8 D shakuhachi.  When I blow the first "Ro" sound, with all holes closed and then opening up, it does not make a difference if I play something like a "re" or a "ri" - both sounds are the same.
I don't have any clue of western notations, but of course I can hear the differences between sounds - and in that case there aren't any. Of course it is something like a guessing game, but what do you think where the problem is - my playing or the flute?

Thank you in advance for any hint.


Silence is the original state of the world



#2 2014-11-10 12:21:56

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2005-10-05
Posts: 885

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

GermanBamboo wrote:


Of course it is something like a guessing game, but what do you think where the problem is - my playing or the flute?

Thank you in advance for any hint.


Hi Rob. Can you post a photo of the flute?



#3 2014-11-10 16:03:41

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

I don't have a mobile phone or digital camera, so is it okay to post links here?

It was almost identical to this one … 1457283687

Some additional info: The flute also first smelled bad, so I asked, what have been used - "oh, only some aroma oil for a better smell". I just kept it in my room, until the smell faded. Now after I played it daily, I also have a heavy smokey feeling in the throat and caughing a lot, so I think, this thing may be even harmful too (I am not a smoker and meditating daily, so i am accustomed to deep breathing, so I count that out as reasons)

Last edited by GermanBamboo (2014-11-10 16:07:17)

Silence is the original state of the world



#4 2014-11-11 13:50:09

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2005-10-05
Posts: 885

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

GermanBamboo wrote:

It was almost identical to this one … 1457283687

Some additional info: The flute also first smelled bad, so I asked, what have been used - "oh, only some aroma oil for a better smell". I just kept it in my room, until the smell faded. Now after I played it daily, I also have a heavy smokey feeling in the throat and caughing a lot, so I think, this thing may be even harmful too (I am not a smoker and meditating daily, so i am accustomed to deep breathing, so I count that out as reasons)

Thanks for the link Rob. Sometimes a crack in the bamboo will leak air and cause many problems. That's a possibility. Showing it to a friend who plays shakuhachi could help. Since you are new to shakuhachi it could very well be a matter of gaining more experience playing. Shakuhachi is clearly an instrument for the long haul.



#5 2014-11-11 17:14:51

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Actually I am thinking  about buying a PVC shakuhachi. It may be not as cheap as my current instrument (which was a present), but resistant to temperature changes and will definitely not include any "aroma oils" or similar. If it wouldn’t bbe all fingers and thumbs, Iwould make myself. Anyway, don't want to moan or rant.

So basically you think, the "same sound" effect could be a result of minor cracks (I'll check the flute for it) or bad technique? Thank you for your advice.

Last edited by GermanBamboo (2014-11-11 17:15:17)

Silence is the original state of the world



#6 2014-11-12 11:10:21

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

I got a private message to this topic but unfortunately my hungry spam monster ate it - so please send again. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Silence is the original state of the world



#7 2014-11-12 11:42:43

Peter Schreiber
From: Oldenburg, Germany
Registered: 2014-06-27
Posts: 11

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Hi smile
die kam von mir wink
Ich habe ein wenig Erfahrung mit shakuhachi von Ebay und oftmals kann es an der Qualität der Flöte liegen, wenn der Ton nicht stimmt. Viele europäische shakuhachi sind sehr dünnwandig und die Löcher nicht korrekt angebracht.
Zum üben kann so ein Instrument sicherlich zu Beginn ausreichen, aber auf Dauer macht das wenig Spaß. Solltest du zufällig aus dem Norden kommen (ich wohne in Oldenburg) - sei herzliche auf einen tee eingeladen und wir schauen uns dann deine Shaku mal näher an. Ansonsten geht aber auch ein Soundfile bessser ein Video um einen ersten Einruck von der Qualität deiner Flöte zu bekommen. Gerne gebe ich dir einige Tipps um an eine (sofern Notwendig) bessere Shakuhachi zu kommen. Mailaddresse habe ich dir per PM geschickt.



#8 2014-11-12 11:56:46

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Hi Peter,

many thanks, now we can strike the hungry spam monster back!

Silence is the original state of the world



#9 2014-11-12 12:09:56

Peter Schreiber
From: Oldenburg, Germany
Registered: 2014-06-27
Posts: 11

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Monsterfighter! big_smile



#10 2014-11-19 20:12:18

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2005-10-05
Posts: 885

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

GermanBamboo wrote:

So basically you think, the "same sound" effect could be a result of minor cracks (I'll check the flute for it) or bad technique? Thank you for your advice.

It could be a leaky flute, other flute issues, poor technique or a combination of all these. Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint the issue without playing the flute first.



#11 2014-12-28 15:31:23

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Now it happened - I have a crack along of 90% of the flute and the shakuhachi is still "working" making cracking sounds and producing further cracks. I put it put under a blanket - don't like the idea of a bamboo fragmentation bomb.
After it seemed to be badly tuned now it cracked. Looks like it is time to buy an accurate tuned PVC one.

Too bad. It was planned that I play some ro as part of a private new years party as background sounds for a small theatre show. Seems like we have to change that plan.

Last edited by GermanBamboo (2014-12-28 15:32:13)

Silence is the original state of the world



#12 2014-12-28 21:55:50

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2005-10-05
Posts: 885

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

GermanBamboo wrote:

Now it happened - I have a crack along of 90% of the flute and the shakuhachi is still "working" making cracking sounds and producing further cracks.

Not to worry. Cracks can be easily closed by humidity. Then bound, or glued and bound, to hold in check. It's a common repair for makers. Since it's not a high end shakuhachi you can also consider repairing it yourself. There is plenty of information on this forum if you search for  "binding," "crack repair," etc.



#13 2015-01-17 10:50:20

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

To keep you updated: I made a "repair" with usual glue and a few bindings. The new years party performance went well. We only needed a few deep flute sounds, so finally everything came out fine. Thank you for your help. :-)

Silence is the original state of the world



#14 2015-01-17 11:28:49

Peter Schreiber
From: Oldenburg, Germany
Registered: 2014-06-27
Posts: 11

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Perry zeigt hier schön, wie eine Bindung angebracht wird:
Kleber ist so eine Sache. Wenn die Shaku billig war und keinen großen idellen Wert hat ist es sicherlich egal, ansonsten ist Kleber keine gute Wahl (kommt da sicherlich auch auf den Kleber und die Bindung an, aber so generell - eher nicht).



#15 2015-01-18 17:14:05

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2014-11-05
Posts: 10

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Thanks for the video. :-)

Silence is the original state of the world



#16 2015-01-19 13:44:14

Peter Schreiber
From: Oldenburg, Germany
Registered: 2014-06-27
Posts: 11

Re: Same sounds on different holes?

Gern! Lässt sich sich denn noch ein bisl spielen oder oder/und hast Du schon eine PVC?



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