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Can anyone supply a fingering chart for a 8-hole Chinese Xiao flute? I have the little chart from the site (a wonderful resource), but I would like to fill in the extra notes that can be obtained with various cross-fingerings. All help welcomed!
No responses! Is there at least another Xiao player out there who would like to swap messages - or even start a Xiao forum?
I own a xiao, a fairly old one (40-50 years, maybe). I have no idea how to play it properly but using (wrong) fingerings it seems to go through a major scale but not starting from the root. Interesting sound. Somewhat darker than a shakuhachi, and less expressive in one sense, although it is very balanced and pleasant.
evan kubota wrote:
I own a xiao, a fairly old one (40-50 years, maybe). I have no idea how to play it properly but using (wrong) fingerings it seems to go through a major scale but not starting from the root. Interesting sound. Somewhat darker than a shakuhachi, and less expressive in one sense, although it is very balanced and pleasant.
Great - a response!
I have a pair of G and F 8-hole Xiao's and a fairly poorly made 6-hole that looks like a wooden shakuhachi.
Did you check out the link I posted above? It is a fairly good introduction and basic fingeing chart.
Since posting, I have added a couple of cross-fingerings to the basic chart. On the "G" Xiao (bottom note=D), I can get:
D, E, F nat, F#, G, A, Bb, B nat, C nat, C#, D etc. I have heard that Ab and Eb can be had with cross-fingerings.
Not as expressive as a shakuhachi, I think because the deeper notch helps keep the pitch from varying. I like the gente sound and it is quite a chromatically versatile instrument.
Hehe, I didn't expect to find help for my Xiao's here!!
Thanx for this link.....
Osorno2 wrote:
Hehe, I didn't expect to find help for my Xiao's here!!
Thanx for this link.....
Hey, why not post a little bit about your involvement with Xiao?
jumbuk wrote:
Osorno2 wrote:
Hehe, I didn't expect to find help for my Xiao's here!!
Thanx for this link.....Hey, why not post a little bit about your involvement with Xiao?
I never got to really playing the xiao, but I like the sweet sound.
Maybe it's too sweet for me though........
But with the help of this link I'm gonna give it another try ;o)
Here is a good set of charts: