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This is a fine, fine album.
Inasmuch as it is Masa's CD, it is also a collaborative ensemble effort, with different players featured center-stage
in different pieces.
The production values and fidelity are superb, and even though the album has seven named tracks, the music is all
of a piece--to me, at least--a journey.
To have it described in words would be quite counter-intuitive, I think. All the clichés one might expect on a shakuhachi
album: background ambience of trickling water, chimes and the occasional gong, birds and spring peepers sprinkled here and there and, of all things, an accordian, playing themes that sound very Italian.
But it all fits, and beautifully, with a precise and light touch: splendid and sometimes surprising percussion, a perfect flow from track to track; it would make an excellent soundtrack--a specialty of these players, and it shows.
Masa's use of the big flute is remarkable, and not to be described, just experienced.
I highly recommend this album. It is a fitting tribute to Masa Yoshizawa.
Instrumentation featured:
Bass Koto
Tsuzumi & Narimono
Biwa and Chinese Koto
Udu Drum and various percussion
Shakuhachi, Shinobue, Nohkan and 'Shakugen' (3.75 shakuhachi)
In spite of all the instruments listed, there is a lot of 'room' in the arrangements.
1. A Dragonet and The Seine
2. The Floating Mums
3. Mystic Depth
4. Solemn Forest
5. Kute...The Marsh
6. A Flock of Clouds
7. Mere Caprice en El Tajo
Written by Masa Yoshizawa and Osama Kitajima
Last edited by edosan (2008-09-27 17:25:09)
Yes, a _really_ fine album.
And another side of Masa ...
"Masakazu Yoshizawa's special tutorial on what to do in case you find a wood shamoji and metal spoon lying around while waiting for a sound check."
Interesting that other site of Masa; fine castagnette-technique!
where can I find it;-)
'Shakugen' (3.75 shakuhachi)
I played this instrument once. It was fun.
Does anybody know why it's called "shakugen"?
Tairaku wrote:
'Shakugen' (3.75 shakuhachi)
I played this instrument once. It was fun.
Does anybody know why it's called "shakugen"?
From the liner notes:
"...Masa made his own shakuhachi, which is probably the longest and thickest one in the world.
The length is 3.75 feet and the sound is just unbelievable.
"No other shakuhachi could hit the low note that you hear on this album [Immortality].
When I heard its deep and soulful sound I called it 'Shakugen'. Obviously 'shaku' comes
from shakuhachi and the character 'Gen' means the depth of inward spirit and could be the
origin of he universe. Masa really loved the name 'Shakugen' and we've been calling it
this ever since."
~ Dr. Osamu Kitajima